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February 5, 2018 at 8:22 am #190819
ParticipantAfter this one I am falling for, there was another one, on the last weekend of 2017. I went to this night club with a friend and at that night, I met a guy, we got to spend the night together. But it was just because I was feeling like hooking up before the turn of the year. This guy is trying to see me again, but all he calls me is “hottie” “you’re so delicious” and apart from that night we spent together, I have no interest in seeing him again.
There were some other two boys that tried talking to me (both on Tinder) but … There are not people I would say “Oh. I feel so excited about knowing more of you. Let’s talk. Let’s meet.” No. All I think about is “My God. I want so much to meet L again.” There is a voice inside of me that insists upon saying “Wait. Calm down”. But I feel his absence so much and at work I have to deal with people who are dating, engaged, married and all I think is “I so wish it was me and my husband.” Me and my husband, when would I ever think of saying that? I couldn’t picture myself getting married and today this is the thing I want the most. I know I have no money to afford a wedding or a life by myself but even so, I want this to happen.
February 5, 2018 at 8:04 am #190805Maria
ParticipantYeah, yeah.
I know he likes me, other guys I’ve hung up with have stopped talking to me at the point they realised I was more into that than them. This one no, he keeps talking to me when I reach out to him, he keeps following me on social medias, today he tagged me on a post. I confess today I am feeling well. I sent him a goodnight message yestarday round 11 p.m. and he answered to it, wishing a goodnight and good morning in advance (which I read and replied today), a few minutes later, he tagged me.
As I told you, I had never been in a real relationship, but with him, I could see something working, some routine. From our third date on, we would meet at least once a week after work or on weekends. The first time we spent the night together was my first sleep over with a guy (up to that moment I would spend the afternoon/evening out but never the whole night until next morning) and you know, sleeping by his side and waking up with him was so beautiful. I remember waking up before him, looking at him sleeping and he must have heard me and woke up, looked at me and whispered “good morning” and kissed me. Then he went to the hall to smoke and I sat on his legs and put my arm over his shoulder. And it was amazing, just amazing, I wish I could spend all my days like this.
On FWB matter, well… When I was younger, I wouldn’t mind whether I would hang out with someone or not. I was more introvert and preferred to spend the time at home reading books and writing. Actually, up to my 15 I had only kissed one guy. After that, I became friends with a girl that enjoyed reading a lot of books and she kinda influenced me on being just like her. I started reading Jane Austen and became a huge fan of her characters, mainly the main ones, that are very feminist at the point of saying “I need no man”, and I got like “I need no man” as well.
But when I joined a theater course, I started realizing how much of my time I had wasted just on reading books and writing, people would talk about parties, and kissing, and having sex, and I was still a virgin. It made me feel ashamed, but at the same time I had spent so long without even kissing that all I could think was “I’m ugly. No one will ever be interested in me…”, but some of the boys in my theater group had tried something, but my selfsteem was so low, I couldn’t realize they were actually interested. One of them, I did realize, but I couldn’t picture myself kissing him, so I let this opportunity pass.
Some years later, at another theater course, I was at a party with some people and one mutual friend started talking to me, we were a little high and we ended up kissing. After years, that was the second boy I was kissing ever. While we were kissing, I was thinking “OMG I remember how to kiss. OMG he got some interest in me.” And it was cool. I tried talking to him later but he made it clean he was just into me on that day. Then I realized “Ok, someone can be interested in me just for a day, for a moment”. But it increased my selfsteem. At that time, btw, I was already sick of still being a virgin. So I put in my mind “I need to meet someone I can finally have my first experience with”, so I downloaded an app, started talking to some guys, met one of them, we met once just to know each other, on the second time, it was finally to get it done.
It was good. At that time, it was wonderful, but today, when I remember it is like “it was good, but I’ve been through better ones”. Anyway, with this guy I first had sex with, there was nothing settled. We would talk day in day out. Spend some days without talking. But after a month without seeing each other, I asked him (trough whatsapp) if he wouldn’t be interested in meeting again? And he started meeting twice a month after that, my third experience with a guy, and I started getting some delight in it. Finally kissing, holding hands, hugging in public (with an observation: when it was in a public place where we would hardly meet someone he knows, once we went to a mall around his house, he didn’t allow me to hold his hand).
But after seven months, I was already into it. More than I could control. I would spend evenings crying because I somehow knew it wasn’t a real relationship. He realized it and started ignoring me. It took me months to finally get over him. After that, a guy in my job asked me out and we did. He said he was interested in me, he was kinda in love with me, that he had never liked a girl like he felt he liked me, but the guy was a trainee, 19 years-old. We hung out four days and most of the time we would spend kissing, because there was no talk between us. I would say something and he would come up with something entirely different. I thought he was just like me, a young boy wanting to have his first experience, because we had set to go to a motel but one day before, my mom had told me she got fired and that got me down. I told him “Boy, I don’t feel like hanging out tomorrow for this reason” and he started “You’re making this up because you don’t wanna see me. I was so excited about seeing you. I’m very disappointed” and now it was my time to ignore someone.
After that, again, I met another guy, this time on Tinder. We spent two weeks talking until he said “my family is gonna be out for a month, do you feel like coming over my place?”, I went and he tried to have sex, but I was on my period, so, we just ate some pizza and said goodbye. This one never showed any interest but in having sex. We met three times. This first one that didn’t work, and two other times, both to have sex.
And finally, we got to this one. We started talking in November. And, as I said, with him, I could see some routine. I day by day life. And with this guy there was actually a real talk. We could talk about any and everything. He is so similar to me, in matters of sense of humor, personality. We would talk about movies, music, characters, make fun at each other. He wouldn’t mind walking hand in hand with me, kissing, holding, at times he would ask me for a kiss. He would send random stuff on whatsapp. There was a moment when we were still cool that I thought “OMG we’re like boy and girlfriend”. And there was always something to talk. Once we met and I forgot he had told me something and asked about it, later on that day he said “I thought you were a little distant today because you asked me stuff I had already told you”, he would name his friends (something others wouldn’t do, it was always “a friend of mine”), this one know “Oh, once I pretended I had a fight with Carl and everyone was like “WTF happened? You are friends since you were babies!!”” or “My friend Daniel who lives downtown”. He asked “What if I called you to hang out with my friends?” but this day hasn’t come.
Anyway, I had some high expectations with him, indeed. That’s why I feel disappointed. It is like “it doesn’t make sense. There must be a missing piece in this puzzle”.
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February 4, 2018 at 4:08 pm #190701Maria
ParticipantAnd I really don’t know what to do to put my life back on track. I wish it was just like an actor in a movie “follow the script”
February 4, 2018 at 3:56 pm #190699Maria
ParticipantThe thing about illusion that my therapist days is that I prefer to believe in the situation I make up in my mind or things I read online instead of doing just like you said too “asking him” but I’m still hurt by what he said that day, it’s like I couldn’t accept he doesn’t like me
Today I went to the mall with my dad and younger sister and saw many couples walking hand in hand and just couldn’t ignore them for really wanting to be a part of that “walk hand in hand”. I try to stay positive but at times it is a little hard.
He liked two posts of mine today… And published something on his. I thought of liking it too but I saw that an acquaintance of his (girl) liked it. So I already got angry.
February 4, 2018 at 5:29 am #190579Maria
ParticipantI was kinda feeling that way about that guy before deciding to open up. And I feel uncomfortable with the way it’s taken. I get myself searching the internet reasons why he stopped texting, how do kinda man act towards love, and all of the answers point to the is not that into you” but I wanna believe there is still a possibility. But at the same time,time I feel fear of getting stuck to an idea that maybe won’t work.
What I know is that I’m still attached and wanna crazily get into a relationship.
I read a lot about law of attraction, positive thoughts and try to work it on myself. But once my therapist said I have this problem of letting myself be sucked by illusion sometimes and I want things to get real. I want this love I so dream about to come truem but I still do not know how to..
Would you have some titles you could recommend?
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February 3, 2018 at 10:19 am #190481Maria
ParticipantI know I have no experience, but I know j want this experience.
I know it is a different strategy, what I want to know is how to act, what to do to finally get what I want so much.
My life has never moved so weel as its been moving now. I’m in a great job, graduating on marketing university (distance graduation), taking belly dance classes, I only miss someone to share all this amazingness with.
I see so many happy people in a life-in-two and I want rhia happiness of having and being with someone as well.
Many of my friends that are committed say I’m lucky, I, on the hand hand, wish I were in their foot.
February 3, 2018 at 10:09 am #190475Maria
ParticipantYes. No commitment up to now, only hook ups and non compromise stuff, which I’m sick of. I really want a partner, a boyfriend, a guy with whom to share my life with
February 3, 2018 at 9:31 am #190469Maria
ParticipantYeah, I know. Yes. I’m a master when it comes to have people interested in me and not being interested in them. That’s what sucks you know? I just wish to be corresponded when it comes to relationship. And it makes me sad because it seems it is something easier for everyone. Today I went downtown and felt so bad for seeing couples and couples and me all by myself. I wish so much someone with me.
And yes, I know it is a process. But with this guy for instance, it seems to have stopped. And I feel a littlw hopeless. I see love, couple life as something so beautiful, even with the bad moments, and I want it for me.
I also have few friends. Some already date, some just want to hook up, there is one that started talking to her ex and I’m already afraid they get back together because I’ll be by myself again.
And I haven’t hung out very much, for, again, those who date don’t wanna meet me, those who don’t date just want to go to parties where we can’t get to meet anyone who want serious stuff.
February 3, 2018 at 9:10 am #190459Maria
ParticipantAt that day I was so devastated by his answer that I stopped talking. Would say small things. Idk if you read my reply to Mark, but yesterday we had a small talk and, after something I said, he told me “of course you are radiant, this is obvious” something like that, to which I replied “you know I am timid” he said “yes, I’m aware of that. I’ve seen it” surely referring to that day. I sent him a gif of a girl with in uncomfortable look. He didn’t say anything else, but later at night, he laughed at something I published on my fb page…
We haven’t met since then and honestly, I’m afraid of trying to ask him out and getting something like “better not”.
I just wish things got back to the way they were. We talking everyday about anything. Like we used to when we started talking.
February 3, 2018 at 9:04 am #190457Maria
ParticipantNot necessarily me, Anita. The last thing he published that made me angry at him was a meme in which there was a girl saying “I don’t like to be alone but I guess I’m getting good at it”.
I try not to take his likes on my social medias as big deal, but there is still a little hope of something happening again. Sometimes I regret having told him too soon.
February 2, 2018 at 1:49 pm #190377Maria
ParticipantNot that I want to find any reasons on my case. But today I felt like sending him a good morning message, to which he replied “THank you so much, so do you” and asked me if I was excited about weekend. I said maybe for I would be back to bellydance classes. And he said how tired he is because of gym and wants holiday season to come so he can spend time at home just being useless. Some minutes then, I added “Oh, I just remembered I am going shopping tomorrow so yes I am excited” and he said he doesn’t remember the feeling of going shopping. I said “pal, I am graduating on image consulting so we can go shopping yay” and he said he usually does that once a year. I started saying how I love going shopping because I always feel Radiant. And he said “but you are radiant. That is obvious statement” and this made me feel a little… You know? And I said how timid I am and he said “I know, I’ve seen it” referring to the day I opened up and couldnt look at him. I answered with a gif of a girl with uncomfortable look and he didnt reply. I guess maybe it is just right stop talking to him and wait what life has yet to bring. I just hope to find someone to whom I can really attach myself to, I am sick of being “only me” 🙁
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February 2, 2018 at 12:57 pm #190363Maria
ParticipantYes. A friend of mine pointed that as well. I was so afraid of opening up that all I could say was that I was “really enjoying hanging out with him, really, really”, but this friend pointed out how he must have gotten it. If it was the way I intended to or if it was just a hang out with non compromise.
Yeah, there may be a fear of commitment in there as he already got betrayed (twice), but if he still suffers, why does he publish memes of how much would he like to have someone by his side?
Anyway, he is 28 (turns 29 on October) and I am soon to turn 25 (in March).
We have been talking since then, but didn’t meet yet or even mentioned what happened that day. But there is always a like on social medias,media whenever I feel like wishing him a good day through whatsapp I do to which he replies almost at the same time… Or when he is at work, he justifies. But before, he would always send some cute gifs such as a boy kissing or cuddling his girl, now he doesn’t anymore…
I really feel sad because I really saw a little of me in him and a littlw of him in me. We are very similar and I just keep asking “why couldn’t it go right?”.
Also, I never really compromised to anyone, the things I had were just FWB, because I never really liked anyone at the point of committing because I know there’s much responsibility in sharing our lives with someone. But with this guy I could so much picture us living together. And I confess from some time up this moment I’ve been feeling like committing, attaching myself to someone finally once and for all. But other guys seem just “not him” and this guy … I confess I kinda feel something indeed. Not love yet. But there is a strong feeling and it devastates me this closing 🙁
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