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  • in reply to: Indecision eating me alive #63495

    I randomly came across this thread after I searched for something on google, came across an article on this website, and this post was featured on the side of the article and I decided to look at it because the title is something I can definitely relate to right now.. and I decided to make an account on here and reply because I really relate to how you feel. I’m not indecisive about a relationship, but I’m indecisive about EVERYTHING pretty much and it’s driving me crazy! I can’t decide on the smallest things, and we have to make so many decisions everyday and I have a hard time deciding on anything and it’s just so overwhelming for me to make a decision, and once I do “decide” on something I dwell on it and worry that I didn’t make the right decision.. and I constantly have a tension headache which feels just as you described your headache. I know is partially the result of my indecisiveness because I stress myself out so much over making decisions.. and once I am not worried about making a decision or worried about anything else my tension headache goes away. But I pretty much have a constant tension headache since I’m pretty much worrying about something all of the time. I also hate how it’s impossible for me to just ‘go with the flow’, I desperately wish I could! I’m sorry I can’t give you any advice on your predicament with your relationship- but I just wanted to say that I can relate to you a lot about how you’re feeling right now.

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