Dear Anita:
Thank you for your reply and desire to help – I appreciate it with the utmost sincerity. I apologize about all the typos in my original post – clearly I was too excited to even proof it.
The person I want to be is beautifully complex but balanced. First and foremost, she analyzes her mental in a sympathetic way. A person that has the ability to cease their mind from spinning off with an overload of thoughts – and is able to assure themselves quickly of what’s important now & tomorrow. A person that listens to what their body and soul is telling them. A person that takes a reasonable approach to problem solving as opposed aggrandizing them. A person with personal purpose outside of what the world expects of them. A person that doesn’t feel the need to antagonize – but stands firmly in their principles and chooses their battles with this always mind. A person that can recognize the preciousness of time spent with yourself, a loved one, a loved art. A person that’s content with not having every answer. A person that requires little to no reassurance. A person that doesn’t dwell for longer than they need to. A person that expresses themselves concisely. A person that manages their thought patterns. A virtuous and strong-willed female with a worldly spirit.
Thank you.
– Jen