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As much as it is true that your thoughts are yours alone, you do not have to carry the burden of anxiety all by yourself. Long term anxiety is not caused by you, its an imbalance in your body. You are not going mad, millions of young adults, like myself, struggle with anxiety everyday. As much as you need to accept this, you should also know that you are the only one standing in the way of feeling much better. I am in the process of dealing with anxiety now, and I would also feel as if I was on the edge if I was trying to conquer it on my own.
The best way to overcome your anxiety is to get help from others. Therapists do work. And if they “stop working” then you are simply not seeing the right person. Depending on your individual case, some herbs or medications might help. Please don’t dismiss this. If your anxiety is affecting your life, like taking a toll on your academics as you mentioned, treatment, let it be just therapy and/or medication, is really needed. Being so close to your age, 18, getting your emotional health in check before you head off to college is a must. There is a good chance I would have dropped out by now if it wasn’t for the treatment and support system I have developed.
Please take all of what I said to heart. I have been in your shoes and I know how difficult life can be as a young adult with anxiety. If you don’t know where to begin in looking for treatment, there are services at your school (both high schools and colleges) that can help point you in the right direction. Most everyone you reach out to for help will want to try their hardest to get you on the right track; all you have to do is let them know.Sincerely,
ParticipantHi, I know how you feel. About 3 years ago, I developed similar symptoms. I was a successful straight A student with plenty of friends and involved in many clubs. I gradually began feel numb. I lost interest in my friends. I no longer felt joy in doing things I once loved. My grades began to slip. All I did was go to school, homework, and sleep. I felt hollow inside, except for the irrational moments of fear and panic. I was terrified of starting anything new and couldn’t complete something I did finally start. I was terrified of telling anyone how I felt; i was under the illusion that it would all pass and telling anyone would be a waste of their time. I shut myself into that dark, empty room and festered alone in my sorrow. It all happened so gradually, that when I finally came to the conclusion that something was not right that it felt as if this change happened overnight. I had not seen the signs until I was about to hit bottom. I reached out, much like you are doing, and was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I was put on medication and it changed my life. I began to feel again; I became my old self. Unfortunately, I lost a few years of my life to something that can be fixed in about 6 months. I beg you to please seek help from a professional. I do not want you to lose anymore of your life to these terrible feelings; don’t make my mistake. You mentioned that you live in South Africa, so I found a website that lists plenty of psychiatrists. Please use this as a stepping stone onto your journey of healing. It hurts me to my soul to know that anyone else has to suffer through what I went through. Be strong, it will get better. -