Hi, I think you may be overthinking this. Be straightforward with her and ask her if she was ignoring you and no longer wants your online friendship. Its never good to hold in feelings but neither is it good to have bitterness towards someone. If you find she was ignoring you then she isn’t a friend, move on, there are better. If she has a reason and it sits well with you then accept it and continue on. No matter how a person acts its never about the other person its about them. The only way you can guarantee this won’t happen in the future is to know that other peoples actions are just– that other peoples actions. You can only control your own. Know yourself, what you expect, accept, allow, like and dislike if someone goes beyond your boundaries move on. There is no point in questioning them or making excuses to rationalize their behavior. I realize its easier said than done but in the end you’ll be happier. I hope this helps:)