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ParticipantHi Eliana, thanks.
No I’m not religious . I’ve gone to the doctors and have been put on anti depressants. As I’ve I am dealing with pretty bad anxiety, I didn’t realise but I had it with my ex due to dealing with his drinking issues and behaviour towards me. I’ve also got an appointment booked with a counsellor so hopefully it helps with my mental health. And I need help with creating boundaries and standing up for myself as he was emotionally abusive at times. I didn’t realise it had gotten that bad until I was removed from the situation.
Thanks, Emma
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thanks. I found out he moved back to Australia last week. So not really sure why he did all of that, but your right it was irrational and it was his impulsive thinking. Maybe that’s why he didn’t sit me down and talk to me about it, as we could of worked things about. But we couldn’t of worked it out, as he is going to be impulsive for the rest of his life until he seeks help.
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thank you. You hit the nail on the head by saying his is impulsive. No he will never contact me again asking to be in a relationship with me. We live in different states, so I’ll never see him and I blocked and deleted him from all social media, so he can’t contact me. He has my email address but he wouldn’t email me. I also made it clear to him to never contact me. He also made it clear on his part that he would never ever want to be with me. He said to me that he would never want to be with me, just saw me as a friend, he doesn’t love/like me, and if we tried he would just like someone else like he liked that other girl. That might of be his impulse talking, but he hurt me too much to even consider it. To be honest there is a part of me hoping that he will send me an email saying how much he regrets what he has done. I just need to keep thinking that it is for best, which it is as it forces me to work on my mental health. And I can’t be dealing with a lifetime of his impulsive nature. Also I don’t think he realises that he deserves that. I just think that when everything settled that he will realise what he has done, and he will be depressed because he realises what he has lost. But if he hadn’t done that to me then, I’m sure it would of got progressively worse.
ParticipantHi Anita, I am now back in Australia. I’m still sad as we were meant to be together, however I need to think of all the positive things I have. Now that I have time to reflect over our relationship, I realised that I wasn’t happy. He couldn’t handle drinking , so nearly everytime we went out he either blacked out, passed out, ran away from me or ignored me. This had ruined countless nights out and I would be in the bathroom crying. Which is not healthy. I would tell him in the morning but he wouldn’t remember. He would say sorry but would laugh about it, and because he didn’t remember the cycle would continue. It was even worse if he went out without me, as several times he had passed out on the public transport so I would worry about that, and someone would have to take care of him. I also never trusted him as before we were together he would hook up with people and not remember, so I thought he could of done that. He said he would never do that but he ended up cheating on me anyway, I kind of knew that he eventually would, which is weird. Because of having to deal with that, looking back on it I developed anxiety and got nervous going out, and didn’t want to socialise. Even if it wasn’t going out with him. I felt myself changing as I used to not be like that. But even now i keep getting nervous – I am going to see a counsellor about it. Since being single, I have gone out and had the best time, it was like a weight had been lifted off me. I didn’t Realise how much it has affected me. When we first got together, he was so nice to me and thought the world of me. However as the relationship progressed he would put me down, and make me feel worthless. I never stood up for myself, and if I did I would cry. When I would cry he would just ask me if I was crying, if I left the room to get away he would follow me and force me to look into his eyes to see if I was crying. So I learnt to lie or to stop crying, and he wouldn’t really apologise. He was emotionally manipulative and emotionally abusive and would make me feel bad if he wasn’t happy. I didn’t realise how bad it was as I was trying to just look at the positives, and thought that it would be better in Australia as he would be happy there. However, it just would of got worse. I didn’t realise that he put me down so much, but when we broke up my housemate said that she noticed that he would put me down a lot, would shut down my ideas and would tell me what to do. Her friend was staying with us for a couple of days two months ago, and when he found out we broke up he said that he thought it would probably happen as he had seen my ex’s behaviour towards me. I feel ashamed that I didn’t realise it was that bad, for other people to of noticed it. Throughout the relationship I did want to break up, but I didn’t want to hurt his feelings and didn’t have enough self worth to leave. I used to suffer from an eating disorder during high school, and my ex would comment on my eating habits , which he said was a joke. One day he took a picture of me and wrote that I was a pig because I had eaten a lot, and sent that to his friends. It was a joke but I said it made me feel uncomfortable as I used to have an eating disorder, and he either didn’t understand or apologise. I am a tiny person so I know that I’m not big. However the same night in bed he pulled my stomach skin and said I had eaten a lot, he said it was a joke as well, but it made me upset obviously. I don’t think he ever really cared about my feelings. I have trouble expressing myself and seem to cry instead of talking, so I need to work on that. I think I also need to work on setting up boundaries. As he would make me feel bad when I cried. So I’m glad that I’m not with him anymore as looking back it was a toxic situation. I just don’t think I would of left. We were only together for over a year, and that should be your honey moon period. There were good times but that was mainly when he was travelling or when we were away, as he was happy then.
ParticipantHi Anita, thank you. I know it’s only been a week since it’s happened, but I am finding it very hard to deal with it all today. I’m just so sad. Everyone is telling me that it was for the best, and why I shouldn’t be with someone like that. As I have seen his true colours and for him behaving the way he did. I understand that I will be better off in the long run. However I just keep thinking about everything that happened to me. I’m finding it hard to be alone again, I don’t miss him I just miss the idea of him. I just have to think of all the times he put me down to feel better about himself. And for when he made me feel bad , when he was feeling negative himself. This year I was so confident and I feel like he has changed that in a blink of an eye . At least I am going back home to an amazing network of loving friends and family. Who I have a strong and close relationship with.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
ParticipantHi Anita, thank you. I’m just lost at the moment and coming to terms with everything. I’m moving back home to be with my family and friends, I also had to becdause I gave up everything. In my late teens to early twenties I’ve always measured my happiness being based on if I was with any one. I’m only 24, so I am young I just worry that I won’t be able to find anymore else. To be honest I have always had self confidence and self worth issues, so I think that is why I worry. However, since this happened I have taken up meditation. I don’t miss him at all, I just miss what was there. And I need to understand that I need to put my happiness first, and that being single does not mean to be alone or to be lonely. I just have to learn to be happy within my skin and being happy by myself.
ParticipantHi Anita, I know you wouldn’t know but do you think he will regret his decision? I don’t want to go back with him as he made that pretty clear, and the way that he treated me I wouldn’t take him back. I think he is going back to Australia because he has nothing left. Do you think he will regret what he has done? Or regret losing me? Maybe when he gets home his emotions will change?
I don’t think he will contact me as I have deleted and blocked him off all social media. However his friend messaged me to say don’t let what he has done make me go back home. He made a mistake. And she told me that he did the best situation, and would I want to go away with him even though he doesn’t feel the same.
i think I am overthinking things now and need to move on. As, as you can see we weren’t really compatible with what we want in life in terms of jobs and responsibilities.
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thank you. You have given me some closure , which has really helped.
Im glad that it wasn’t me, and that he freaked out. He did love me, but it wasn’t enough. I wish he told me earlier but I think I still would of gone home. I’d made up my mind. I’ve come to the realisation that we were compatible in the long run.
Thank you x
ParticipantHi Eliana,u
Apparently he isn’t with her anymore. His friend messaged me saying to not let what he did to me make me want to leave and go home. Obviously he had only told her his part of the story. She said to me that he did what he thought was best situation and would I of wanted to go away with him if he didn’t feel like that anymore. It’s still a cutting comment. I still feel like he got cold feet. I told her that it obviously wasn’t the best situation telling me the night before, lying and cheating on me. She also told me that he still cares and doesn’t hate me – for someone to do that to me, he obviously doesn’t care. I told her thanks for messaging me but I need to move on delete him from my life and get on with it. I feel like she just messaged me to help him, she wasn’t there so wouldn’t understand everything that happened between us. I still feel like he is using it as an excuse to justify his cold feet/commitment issues.
ParticipantHi Anita, I was completely blindsided. However looking back on it, he would make mean comments but say he was joking.
ParticipantI was born in England, but moved to Australia when i was little. My ex’s dad is from England. Yes, we both individually planned on moving to London, coincidentally. Yes this was as i prepared to go travelling and move back to Australia. He let me hand in my resignation and encouraged me when i was nervous in doing so (this was a month before he broke up with me), he knew my job would offer lots of promotion and a good career. Whereas he was in a dead end retail job which he hated. He let me organise to move out the room of my flat (which we shared) yet i had to sort everything out, and he knew i was stressed in doing so. I found someone to move in the same time i handed in my resignation and she moved in a week before we were meant to go travelling. He handed in his resignation a week before we were meant to go away. He had gone travelling around europe for four months with his brother from March to July. He worked in this dead-end job before he left to go travelling then, and they let him come and work there again after he came back in July. When he came back , he was on a new contract and because of this he was still in his 3 month probation period, so only needed to give a weeks notice. The girl he cheated on me with worked at the dead-end job as well, they were only talking for a few weeks. I only know this, because when he lied to my face and said that he hadn’t cheated and would not do that to me, i messaged him when he left and asked him again. I said did you cheat on me, and he said again that he would not hurt me. I didn’t trust him, and had felt uneasy the last week we were together. So i logged into his Facebook on my laptop. I saw that he had been talking to her for two weeks, there was nothing romantic however, the day he broke up with me he said to her i had a really good time last night (when he cheated) can i see you today. I ended it with Emma, i am in her bad books – i was shocked, he was more than in my bad books. So i think he had been talking to her about our relationship for weeks. i don’t know why he couldn’t of come and spoken to me about it – i am the one who is in the relationship with him! I asked him if he could meet up with me that night to get closure, he said no he was busy. And from the Facebook messages i could see that it was because he was meeting up with her. And another girl who he works with messaged him saying you hooked up with (the girls name), what are you going to say to Emma, you are going away tomorrow. I am so embarrassed that he has been discussing our relationship at work with everyone, and that neither girl cared that he had cheated on me. When i confronted him about it, i dont think he was going to ever tell me. He said he couldn’t tell me to my face on the Saturday when he broke up with me – he just lied and lied. I have let him know throughout the relationship, if he ever cheated on me it would be over. When he found out that i had gone on his facebook he was so angry, but i told him that i only went on there because he wouldn’t tell me the truth. He said please not do it again. To be honest i didn’t trust him throughout the whole relationship, i would check on his phone from time to time. I didn’t like when he went out, this was because he can’t handle his drink and blacks out (so anything could of happened). If we ever went out i would either have to take care of him, or he was just ignore me and be rude. Maybe that was his real personality coming out? I would often resent him as i had to take care of him, or upset as he would leave me. I should of trusted my gut feeling. He was also good at lying to me. Yes I moved out the day after he broke up with me, as we were staying on the couch until we left to go travelling, which was for a week. I couldn’t stay in the flat as it had too many memories. He was meant to pick up some of his stuff as he left some when he moved out. When he was out i was angry and chucked out some of his favourite clothes that he had got travelling. He had ignored all my messages to him after he broke up to me, however the only one he replied to was the one about his things getting thrown out. He said to me, that it wasn’t fair that i chucked some of his things out. He didn’t care about all the things that i had lost.
ParticipantHi Eliana, no we never fought. I thought it was a perfect relationship. The last week we were together he was a bit distant. Like when I tried to kiss him he said my breath smelt and he was going to through up (which it didn’t), he wouldn’t spoon or kiss me. I asked him if everything was fine and he said he was just tired. He started taking his phone with him to the bathroom and when I questioned it, he made up some excuse. Well they only knew each other for two weeks, so I don’t even know if it was much. But yeah I think he was very confused. I didn’t trust him the last week we were together and felt like there was something wrong. As he was now all of a sudden always on his phone. Once he ended it I was very angry (I still am) so I sent him some angry messages which he didn’t reply to. All he said was that I needed to move on, and was sick of faking it. When he left I did throw out some of his clothes , and he told me that it wasn’t fair. I think he is quiet selfish as he doesn’t realise what he did to me wasn’t fair! I just need to accept it, but I’m just sad as he used to be so nice to me and would look st me with love. I don’t know how it could change so fast! He also knew my thoughts on cheating and said he would never do that!
ParticipantHI Anita, we were going out for 1.5 years but official for 1 year. We are both from Australia but from different states. We met travelling and we were both moving to London after, and that’s where we were living now. He moved out in with his auntie and uncle, and I have moved out to my family (as we both are part English we both have family here). Yes he booked and paid for everything. When we ended it, I made him pay me what I had spent back. However I’m still out of pocket for my flight home, and I need to buy another one. I contacted his parents about him paying me back , as he has been very nasty/hasn’t been replying and frankly I don’t want to speak to him. He has recently sent my housemate a message saying that if Emma wants to ask me what I “owe” her she can. I didn’t want to get them involved but I also wanted them to know and I thought it was the only Option for me at the time. I’ve made him cancel the whole trip as he said we had to go together or not at all. He said we could go as friends, but obviously I didn’t want thet.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by