Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThanks Amy for your message. I mean that I don’t like using crisis lines because they want to hear your ‘story’ all over again. Things have gotten even worse. Right now I kinda have no support. I have the art therapy and it’s not consitent, they’re always changing it on me and even now I thought we had settled into a weekly schedule and I’ve missed the past 2 weeks. And even with that, they want to change the time from 4pm, to 5pm. Nope, not good for me. I need my evenings to ‘try’ and relax depending on the circumstances. I just started feeling comfortable with Monique and they want to change my therapist then said to me.. “YOu need more support than just Art Therapy’
More support, and yet they know at every turn I’m losing support. May 28th I meet for the last time with a mental health worker who I’ve had for 20yrs (I didn’t realize it was that long) It’s just a very short meeting to introduce me to the new worker who will transition me till August when I’ll be cut off from their agency. I don’t get any closure with this lady. How can they do this?
Remember the community paramedics I work with? I work with one now and only for a little while. Not sure how long. His sole job now is to advocate for me and set me up with all the resources I need. Once I’m all set up, he’ll let me go. He offers zero support anymore and after sharing with him all I did about this guy and I wish I could share that it’s his friends too but I can’t. Not his job anymore. He’s going to advocate for me with losing the mental health worker.
I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this, but I have a non-malignant brain tumour. I get dizzy spells and sometimes pass out. Well, long story short, I passed out last week outside where I live and people who saw it called 911. One paramedic was excellent with me, the other not. It turned into a very difficult evening and I’m still very upset about it. If I ever need an amulance, forget about it, I’d rather die at home.
I’ve attempted suicide several times since you last heard from me. I’m overwhelmed, I feel so incredibly alone and I’m being hurt all the time. Tonight his friends are coming. I have no idea how many, but I can’t take this. Even if it were to stop, I still have to deal with all of the outcome if you know what I mean. I don’t want to be around anymore. If I had the guts I’d jump the waterfall down the street from me. Everytime I go, I get scared, what if it’s a slow death? How fast would hypothermia set it?
I’m overwhelmed and I feel all alone. What’s the point anymore?
Emma… a very sad, distraught, hurting, hopeless Emma.. 🙁
I tried so hard today and it was all for nothing. I come home and I get hurt. I don’t want help anymore cause I’m tired of having to fight to keep it. Nobody wants to help they just want to see me fall through the cracks, when I;m already falling through. I’m tired of this. I am sinking further each day and Im not going to be around much longer. I can’t take it. Everyone can let me go, cause that’s what they think is best for me but they better not show up at my funeral, actuallly I won’t have a funeral so that doesn’t matter anyways. I doubt anyone will notice anyways. I’m done. I’m blowing up at people when I NEVER do things like that. I blew up and swore at a guy at the coffee shop. I called an apologized and the manager, what the heck,. she gave me a free meal for apologizing. I didn’t deserve a free meal. I did it again on my way home from my walk. I’m getting worse and there not a thing I can do about it. If agencies want to let me go, fine.. go right ahead. I cant fight anymore, I just dont have it in me. I had a long walk, birds ate out of my hands, got a few pics but WHAT’s the point??? I just fell apart anyways. I’m better off just never going out again. I can;t do this. I dont needd any help numbers cause I’m NOT telling my story over again. It doesnt help to have some teenager on the other end of the phone says ‘Oh it sounds like a difficult day’ NO kidding it is. I’m done. I’m sooo done. I can’t do this. I really, really can’t. Ive had enough of this struggling. I’m sorry to hurt yiu when you’ve been so so kind to me. I ;m so sorry Amy. I just hurt too much and ppl think it’s OK to take services away from me or keep changing them to suit them NOT me. I can’t fight this fight anymore. 🙁
ParticipantAmy, Coconut.. or anyone around? I could use a friendly ear. Having a really tough time. I’ve been struggling so very much that the smallest things are so difficult. I’m trying to focus on getting dressed everyday, even if I don’t do it until 4pm like I did yesterday. I got dressed by 11:30am today. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but it is. It feels like climbing a mountain. Then yesterday I managed a 15min walk and plan to go on a short one today with my camera. I love art and photography. I like photographing birds, and this is the best time of year as our trees are just starting to bud, so they’re easy to find. Maybe today will be a better day but I just have so much going on and so much change.
I got upset yesterday from an email from my art therapist. They keep changing things on me and I got triggered, I must have sent 15 emails, evertime I thought of ‘one more thing to add’ I’d send it. I was reacting obviously and I feel like a fool. I just feel like I can’t trust them anymore. They made me switch to tuesdays, I told them I can’t always be consistent on tuesdays and they assured me that I could come in on saturdays if it ever happened. I tried to change my appt tomorrow and they’re now telling me that my therapist has no other openings and that if I don’t want to ‘miss a week’ I’d have to see someone brand new! Are they stupid? How do they expect me to just ‘start over’ with someone new once in a while. They also told me that they recently hired a scheduling co-ordinator, but they refuse to give me this persons name or phone #. They told me to email this person at the regular ‘art therapy’ email. I call BS. They said she doesn’t have a phone, so I said, I need her name. Now it’s the lady in charge wanting to sort it out with me. .. ahem, what about this ‘new person’ they hired? I have such a hard time to trust, I don’t know what to do.
I have an appt with my family doc tomorrow and it usually ends in severe anxiety and or panic attacks, so bad that I have to end up taking a taxi home. She prescribed an anti-depressant over the phone to my pharmacy, but it was already one I tried a few times and couldn’t handle the side effects. Then a week or so ago she prescribed one that causes dizziness, insomnia, headaches, nausea ect.. I have all those already!! It’s also a drug used for patients with Bi-Polar, which I do not have. I refused to take it, when I read up on it it even says ‘cannot help with a depressed mood’. In the past, I was a guinea pig. I tried just about every anti-depressant, and combinations ect.. I don’t want to do this again. I either tell her I’m not comfortable in taking the med she recently prescribed, or tell her I tried it and couldn’t tolerate the side effects. ughh
Since I spoke of my art .. here’s a picture of a sunset I took back in April, I think it was Easter Sunday as I hardly ever walk along the River, as it’s not close to my place. I wish I had a car, I go watch the sunsets everyday and here the rapids moving. Enjoy. (I don’t know how to add it, oh well)
ParticipantAmy and Coconut, thank-you for your replies. I’ll try to respond soon. I’m not doing well. Everything is falling apart. I’m losing all the support, what little I have, I’m losing it all. I can’t do this anymore. I don’t even have the community paramedics to talk to anymore.. it’s not in there ‘job’ description anymore. What is in their job description is to now advocate for me and i tried to tell them I need them to advocate about a few services I’m losing and how horrible these 2 agencies (that provide these services are from) .. these agencies are treating me like crap. Uncalled for, accusing me of things i said and did.. when in fact they were lied to and now they’re triggering me.. I attempted several times over all this cause I just can’t deal with it. What I needs is for this paramedic to make sure I don’t get treated like a piece of dirt again, instead he’s like “I don’t need to hear your side cause I’m not taking sides” Well then how is that advocating for me?? Do all these ppl want me to take these things to the news or something, so no other person gets treated so badly they feel like dying?
Oh, I told them that the person hurting me (I didn’t say more than one person) but I told the paramedic yesterday that the guy is an officer. The paramedic didn’t even flinch or say anything besides ‘They aren’t above the law’ That was it. It was soooo hard for me to share it and that’s all I got? I feel so un supported. Unfortunately, I’ve fallen 10 steps backwards in being able to trust these paramedics. Plus, they put one as my main.. ‘in charge’ so to speak regarding visits, my file ect.. WHY, why can’t I have a female??? 🙁 I’m tired of trying to fight for myself.
Also, last night I overdosed last night. Probably will tonight. I know there are services to call, places to chat but I can’t do it. Mine as well keep on keeping my mouth shut cause that’s what makes everything around here less painful for me. Less painful how, less painful because that’s how this guy likes it. When my mouth is shut. I should have NEVER told the paramedic this guys job. He’s going to find out, paramedics and police are like best buddies.
Amy, I so appreciate your support here and Coconut, thank-you for joining this thread. I appreciate it.
ParticipantHi everyone.. and to Amy,
Amy, thank-you for checking in. I did go to the clinic but it went horribly wrong. The nurse asked me why I was there and she asked if I am feeling depressed, I said yes. Then she asked if I had suicidal thoughts, I said yes but not right now and that those feelings come and go. When the doctor came in, he was soooo close to having me ‘formed’ as in sending me to the ER without my consent to be assessed by a psychiatrist. I almost freaked out. I called the paramedic, he was on stand-by sorta, in case I had any issues at the clinic. I told him I wanted to just take off and go home, but he said that could make things worse.
I needed several things looked at/done and all he did was send me for an x-ray on my wrist. He never even examined my wrist. He spoke to me that he can’t help me anymore and that what I ‘need’ is a psychiatrist. Ummm, how is a psych supposed to help physical injuries?! I left the clinic in a panic attack. I went to the coffee shop next door to wait for the paramedic to come get me. Once I got in the car, I totally fell apart. I’ve been feeling worse ever since. (by the way my wrist isn’t broken but I can hardly move it) I know I need help from a therapist, and I do have Art Therapy once/week but I was at that clinic for physical reasons. I’ve been having a more difficult time since having gone to the clinic. 🙁
Every night I’m falling apart, I’ve attempted suicide twice.. once last night and this past Saturday. I have a lot of other things going on too. One thing is this.. I’ve had a mental health worker for approx 8-10yrs and I’m losing her support. She used to help me with a lot of things, setting goals, supporting me at appointments, accessing services in the community ect.. She talked about my services ending in the Fall last year but never brought it up again. She didn’t speak of it again, and I figured it was because she knew I’ve been going downhill. Out of the blue, I got an email from her last week saying ‘WE’ want to help you through this transition.. so get this, I have to meet someone NEW, try to build trust..which is so hard for me, and have this new worker ‘tie up loose ends’ and be left and then drop me.. with nothing. I cannot deal with this, are they asking me to end my life, cause it’s working. I’m already falling through the cracks in our broken health care system but hey.. who cares, let’s let her fall some more. 🙁
I know I have these 2 paramedics, but as they’re getting to know me, I believe from what the one said last week, that they’re not trained to help people with the help I need. I just want to end my suffering, I’m tired of all this, I’m tired of being so exhausted that I can’t get myself off the sofa to use the washroom. I’m tired of everything.
ps- I was hit the other day, got a big bruise on my face.. no big deal, just they’re hard to cover when I go out and I feel like everyone will stare at me if I got out the way I look right now. Wow, I wrote a lot.. sorry about that.
Thanks for being here Amy.
ParticipantUpdate- I managed to get a few things together for tomorrow but I just got off the phone from the clinic and there’s no female doctor on tomorrow. If I had to pick a day to go, tomorrow would be the best as I have something on Saturday and then the paramedics might not be able to drive me another day. They seem to work about 2 days in a row, then off for a few ect.. See, now I just want to leave a msg for the paramedic that I can’t do this.
The clinic did tell me that a nurse can be in the room with me, even though that would be helpful, it’s also makes me feel anxious cause then you have 2 people looking at you… if you know what I mean. Why is this so hard??
I guess with no response from Anita, we know she’s gone from this thread. End of story. Move along.. right?
I appreciated your support Amy, that means a lot to me. Thank-you for the advice Mark. I’m supposed to be going to a clinic tomorrow to see a doctor about this stuff. One of the paramedics is willing to help me get there and back. I really don’t want to go. I am so exhausted and I have chronic pain (and that has been bad too) In order for me to be able to go tomorrow, I need to get everything ready tonight and I’ve barely moved off the sofa. I’m scared to go tomorrow and I just want to stay home. I might try to get things ready, because then if I feel like I can actually do this, I won’t have to get up early tomorrow and stress about getting ready. I tried calling the clinic to see if a female doctor would be on, but of course they don’t answer the phone. I’m not sure if I can do this. I’m also worried that I could wait hours. This clinic is like a mini-hospital, the only one we have in this city. I guess you could call it an alternative to the hospital for less severe issues. They can do an x-ray for my wrist if needed. It’s a long drive and I don’t want to have the paramedic take up his time and if I find it’s a male doctor I don’t know what I’d do.
signed.. a very tired, depressed and lonely Emma 🙁
ParticipantAnita, I appreciate everyone’s support here. I don’t even know how to respond. I’m here for help, not to get more stressed out. In your last message to me you’re contradicting yourself. You say “A member expressed disagreement with my asking you the questions that I asked you in my last post to you, questions that I invited you, in that post, to not answer if you choose not to.” So, you’re saying I can ‘choose not to’ answer your questions.
Yet, your next sentence says and I quote again ” if you don’t answer any of my questions…” which you previously said it’s my choice to answer.. now if I don’t answer your questions you’re going to leave this thread.
I will answer questions that I feel comfortable in responding to. I get pushed around enough in life, I don’t need it here, which is supposed to be a safe place. Perhaps you should re-think before posting something like this or on anyones thread. I think we’re all here to feel supported. You can make your own decision to leave this thread. Not my choice. Please re-read Amy’s message to me.. for future postings you may make on TinnyBuddah. I’m sorry if my postings have caused you any distress. If you’d like, you can read up about domestic violence. It’s very complex.
Amy, Mark.. thank-you. <3
Hello, I was just thinking about you too. I saw the paramedic who recommended this site to me, he actually asked if I checked it out. I told him that one person in particular, you Amy, was keeping in contact with me. I think he’s glad I tried this out. I’m really struggling but I’m here. I am thinking (seriously) about going to see a doctor. The paramedics I work with, I believe, would feel better if I get seen. They’re willing to drive me there, and pick me up afterwards. This would be in a few days, so I’m feeling really anxious about it. I need to call them tomorrow to see if they can let me know if a female doctor would be working. ughh, so many obsticales.
I had a good meeting with the paramedic today. I sometimes see 2 at one time, other times it’s one. I feel more comfortable sharing the really tough stuff, when there’s one of them. Today is was one of them. I opened up a bit.. and feeling embarassed/ashamed but I know he doesn’t judge me.
I’m thinking of sharing everything that’s going on, someone mentioned it. I think it was anita, in this thread. There’s a lot though. I like that I can share whatever I want and none of you know me yet you seem to care.. hey, you’re even checking on me. You don’t realize how much that means to me. I wrote an email to a friend about how depressed I feel and not feeling like I can go on. I never heard from her. 🙁
I’m a little shocked at myself for sharing what I did. What if this is read by him or his friends. That would be really bad news. I question if I should have shared this? Was this OK to share?
Thanks Amy and all of you.
ParticipantHi everyone, just checking in. Sorry I haven’t responded to the messages. I’m isolating cause I’m really, really hurting this week. I was raped again. Last night I couldn’t handle it and I went to a waterfall .. I was ready to jump. I went when it was dark so no-one would see me but someone walked right past me when I was on the railing. Guess he didn’t care enough to ask if I was OK. I’m sure glad he didn’t call the police though. It’s the last thing I need.
I got some bad news about something else and I wish I had ONE person I could count on to advocate for me. Nope, no suck luck and the advocating I need isn’t something a help line can do about this. How much more can I take before I literally break. Some days I don’t even think I know who I am anymore. 🙁
I’ve changed my picture to a mandala that I painted myself. I do like to paint but it’s tough to be motivated to do anything.
Thank-you, all of you, for being here.
ParticipantWow, thank-you everyone. I somehow feel less alone in this, but take no offense,.. I’m struggling so much that I don’t know how I can go on. This is only one of the things I’m dealing with and I’m so overwhelmed. I’m in what I call ‘protection’ mode.. I know, strange name for all this crap. I’m just wanting to sleep, so I don”t have to feel. Then when I sleep too much I feel aswful for being lazy.
There was a terrible loss in my country this past weekend, I know it’s been shared world-wide. For those that don’t know Canada lost 15 people in a tragic bus accident. These young men and coaches died. These young men were on their way to a hockey game. Some of them had promising careeers in Hockey. I wish I could take the place of one of those young men. My death wouldn’t be tragic.. believe me, it wouldn’t. 🙁
Prayers for Humboldt, Sask. # leaveahockeystickout, # oneoftheboyswillneedit # prayers4Humboldt
I’ll respond tomorrow to your kind messages. I can’t thank you all enough.
I’ll explain more later. I’m going to rest now. Thanks for being here.
ParticipantHi again,
They are community paramedics who visit people in their homes. They do know I was raped. They’ve encouraged me to go to the hospital but I’m too afraid and I have no-one to come with me. I cannot go alone because I tried a few times on my own and after waiting 6hrs I took off because I ended up having a severe panic attack and the staff at the hospital thought I was trying to create problems by ‘acting out’. In reality, I was having a severe panic attack and no-one wanted to help me.
They told me about an Urgent Care clinic that the paramedics may be able to help me get to, and they can do x-rays there.. as I may need an x-ray for my wrist.
ParticipantSorry about the errors, I didn’t notice that until I see it now. I had tried by replying to the email notification but it didn’t appear here, so I copied from the email and pasted. I didn’t realize it would show the html stuff. My apologies.
ParticipantHi Anita,Thank-you for writing back to me, It means a lot. I was really nervous when I was writing it. I was in a relationship with a police officer, and yes he was abusing me. Even though we aren’t dating anymore, he still abuses me. What does it mean to me that he’s a police officer? It means he has so much power over me. I tried to report it once and he intervened and I came close to being charged with mischielf for what he called ‘making a false report’. 🙁 He has that much power. Now I can never report him and even if I found some other way to report hiim, I’m too terrified to do so.I am getting some assistance from two professionals in the community, they come to my home and I spoke with one of them about it. I didn’t share much though They don’t even know it’s a police officer. These 2 people aren’t therapists but they want to help me. The one I saw yesterday reccomended this site/forum to me. I know he mentioned reading some of them. I kind of wish he’d see this and ask me more about what’s going on with me. I’m way too afraid to tell him that the person hurting me is a police officer and that there’s actually more than one person. I know this must sound stupid. I feel so embarassed. (If the person that suggested this to me were to read this, and think.. hey maybe that’s the young lady I’m trying to help.. if he brought up some of what I shared last night here, then I’d know it’s safe to tell him) Does that make sense?I don’t really have anywhere to go that I feel comfortable and safe. My only option is the shopping mall I go to near my home. The security there know I’m having some kind of problems, they helped me one time when I went there after I was hurt one time. They gave me a ice pack and let me sit in a quiet room, the room is usually used for mom’s who are breastfeeding. I’m allowed to go there if I need somewhere to go that’s quiet and safe. The head of security knows something is happening to me, but I didn’t tell her but I think she knows.Thanks Anita -