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Ginger Persaud
Participantas I said in my other blog, I wont’ just dismiss my mother out of my life like she doesn’t exist. she does in fact suffer from a mental illness, is she harsh and toxic yes… no argument here, but the world as I said has many many people in it with mental illnesses and I work in a hospital with children who suffer from mental illnesses and it’s not right to abandon anyone just like that.. take steps back yes, pull away a little yes, but trash the person like yesterdays garbage no.. I’m sorry that’s not how it works Anita, people should not be dismissed like a day of school..
Ginger Persaud
ParticipantAnita, do you talk to your mother? its’ a little presumptions for you to demand that I cut contact with my MOTHER.. no one is in fact perfect! her behavior is bad I am aware, I am taking steps to leave but you know the world has troubled people and having a mental illness doesn’t mean that person is no longer a person.. a disease is a disease fyi and the world is full of people with issues.. will I leave yes I am, but I won’t hate my mother.. this is not an eye for an eye here, I’m not trying to make the whole world blind! but thanks
Ginger Persaud
Participantgeez.. don’t know then, I am moving this year, but its still hard for me to process how and when my mother began to dislike me so much.. she was a stay at home mom and I had an excellent childhood; I know she needs to be medicated but that’s not going to happen. once I’m gone I’m gone but I still will keep these memories with me of the mean things she’s said to me, not to mention when I just had my son she physically attacked me after having a C-section she kicked me in my stomach 1st time she’s ever hit me in my entire life. i’ll never forget that or when she flat out told me she hates me wishes I were never born and called me a cunt bitch! I hope on her death bed she remembers it too.. if not i’ll remind her, maybe then she will be sorry! its hard for me, I don’t know how I finished college, got a full time job, great friends & cousins who support me, a great husband and two smart beautiful children! guess I’m lucky in a lot of ways..
Ginger Persaud
Participantthank you for your reply.. I am trying my best to get out right now. My husband I were just approved for an FHA loan and we are in the process of house hunting, however these things take quite some time especially living in NEW YORK. my mother is the one currently watching my 2 year old son and my daughter when she comes home from school. I know I have to leave.. I have to get my own home for my children. My daughter is 4 years old and said yesterday after my mom blew my head off: this house can never be happy! it disturbed me. My mother was a good mom until I got married when I was 27, soon after choose me as her scapegoat rather than my father.. my dad is not like that at all, he’s very laid back and relaxed but does drink a lot on the weekends … I just wish I knew for sure if she actually hates me because it sure feels that way.. it’s like walking on egg shells with her, I know she has a disease but I feel like some of it is just simply HER!
Ginger Persaud
Participantin addition; my husband is so frustrated, I am literally afraid to go out because she blows up at me every single time.. otherwise she’s nice to me, she babysits my two children while I am at work, she cooks for me, she helps the kids w/ homework and will be fine.. anytime she has a trigger in her head its directed towards me, one of her triggers is when I go out w/ friends or family to dinner/ a movie/ anything at all she saying I am a terrible mom I don’t deserve my children I am a piece of shit, moms don’t go out, I go out too much.. its so hard I cannot wait to get my own place. she picks on my brother maybe 1 time a year however my brother picks on her very often, seems he has the same disease and they’re both home, my bro does not work; I believe she truly hates me, the sound of my voice cause her to break things in her room last night.. her episodes normally last 3-4 days then shes’ normal and nice again