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  • in reply to: Feel bound and helpless #182723

    I thought about this alot and yes i considered this too.but i hope this is not the case. i sent him a text two days ago but he hasnt come online nor has he seen it.it is all that has been on my mind since and i dont know what to conclude.

    Anyhow thankyou for considering 🙂

    in reply to: Feel bound and helpless #182687

    Yes you are right.

    Although we were together for a few months it wasnt that we used to meet much but we contacted online and as he is my relative we always knew each other so very soon we became very close and during that time we bonded pretty well.this was about two years ago.

    Now when we recently talked, he left denying that it was him that was talking to me recently.not denying the past conversations.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Haron.
    in reply to: Im lost and so broken inside #182595

    You haven’t mentioned the mistake but if you are sure you love her you should give her time because it takes time for one to analyse and make decisions that are right. It will hurt but know that pain demands to be felt and love is sacrifice. You mention not being able to concentratebut let me suggest that you write a diary or something maybe dedicated  to her and openly say everything in it.it will help you calm down and take your mind off it.

    I read somewhere that love is when you come to realize that the time you spent with her seems like a blessing. So be thankful that you both were lucky enough to share this love for 5 years and bad times are followd by happy ones so be patient. Hope you feel better soon.

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