
Jana πŸͺ·

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  • in reply to: β˜€οΈ πŸͺ· #443042
    Jana πŸͺ·

    I am sure it will help me, Anita. I’ll come back on Monday and read your advice on PC to give it more attention. (There is one post in my other thread waiting for moderation from this morning)

    I hope you are going to have a great weekend. Do you have any plans? 😊

    β˜€οΈ πŸͺ·

    in reply to: Understanding someone who's recently divorced and not ready #443041
    Jana πŸͺ·

    Hello Dafne,

    Let him go. I know that it is so hard to give up the last hope, but he only wastes your precious time. Imagine what a wonderful man you could meet if you let this spider go. For good. You concentrate all your energy in the wrong direction. Stop giving him chances again and again. Nothing will change with this man. He only gives you false sense of hope. He needs to heal before he can have a nice and honest relationship. You need a different man to be happy.

    β˜€οΈ πŸͺ·

    in reply to: β˜€οΈ πŸͺ· #443023
    Jana πŸͺ·

    πŸ“” it is February 21, 2025, 15:05

    I was thinking about what I consume.

    I think my diet is quite good. However, I sometimes eat little during the day and in the late afternoon I tend to eat more and then have troubles with my stomach. I need to become more mindful about this. I am working on eating more slowly and mindfully. And I eat at the table – no TV, no computer… I am happy that we started to eat lunch together in our dining room without TV at the weekends. But we still eat dinner and watch TV – it is a kind of ritual for us.

    I don’t use social media. I tried FB but I think my account will stay inactive. It’s not my cup of tea. I don’t like the atmosphere. I am careful about what I am watching on youtube and pinterest. I watch channels such as elephantnews, trail cameras from different countries, Plum Village, BuddhisminEnglish and some channels about nature, for example BBC. Pinterest is fine. Its ad policy isn’t so aggressive and when you search pictures of nature, animals, buddhism, the algorithm gives you a lot of beautiful inspiration.

    As for my thinking, I’ve made great headway since I started visiting this forum. I still have a lot to work on, but important is that I feel motivated and determined to continue in my personal/spiritual development whatever hardship is waiting for me.

    My inner child is still so vulnerable…

    β˜€οΈ πŸͺ·

    in reply to: On my way to self-compassion πŸͺ· #442997
    Jana πŸͺ·

    Alessa, I didn’t notice your last post at 4:09. I’ll come back tomorrow to answer to you.

    Meanwhile Anita (and others) can share some experiences, thoughts and support. 🌼

    Looking forward to you!❀️

    β˜€οΈ πŸͺ·

    in reply to: On my way to self-compassion πŸͺ· #442996
    Jana πŸͺ·

    I also wanted to share my associations with the words weakness/strength and success/failure.

    My immediate association with the word strength is the word “man”. I think that it is the need for a man protector. It feels good to be protected by a man in this harsh world. It can be, of course, negative, too. When men turn to violence. So, without thinking much, I imagine police, soldiers, knights, … images of protectors.

    My immediate association with the word weakness is (unfortunately) tenderness. It is why I probably feel so weak in this world.

    And I connect the words success and failure more with personal, spiritual development… for me, being a decent, kind and tender person is in the end success… but it is terribly hard in this world… these are my values, but as you can see I feel in danger being kind and tender (that’s why the need for protectors) because I know that many people can take advantage of me…

    It is actually very interesting to think about it and get to know a bit more about me again. Thank you!

    β˜€οΈ πŸͺ·

    in reply to: On my way to self-compassion πŸͺ· #442995
    Jana πŸͺ·

    Hello Alessa and Anita,

    yes, I agree that my childhood could shape my need for flexibility. But at the same time, I believe that we are not tabula rasa and our genes also determine what our personality will be like. I know that I was happy in independent and flexibile environments even before being bullied. The same applies to my introversion.

    I believe that this is also a very important part of my internal validation – to accept that this is me. I am not only a result of some external – mostly negatively perceived – “influence”/”force” such as the then education system and my parents. I find my introversion, sensitivity and need for freedom as a part of my true self. 😊 And it is a part of self-compassion, as well.

    In my opinion sticking to rules, plans and goals can bring more of dissapointment in our personal lives. If we cannot follow the rules, achieve the goals, we might feel as a failure. And it is then more stressful than beneficial. Of course, it depends on context. I do like following the eightfold noble path because I can see it makes sense for my life. I agree with these rules because they lead to becoming a decent and kind person. I don’t see any troubles here. However, I don’t punish myself when I cannot follow the rules. I am a human being with flaws… In this context, what is important for me is the effort.

    Being flexible brings me more feeling of being free and independent. “Okay, this didn’t work. I can find another way, another solution.” There is no evaluation, measerument of success or failure. I feel happier because I have more possibilities and freedom in choice, I guess. I’m a person who prefers to react to a situation rather than plan it. And when the plan is wrong… just imagine… so much energy, effort and time invested in following a plan, while I might have missed something great because I didn’t notice it at all because of blindly following the plan. It is again about the context. πŸ™‚

    β˜€οΈ πŸͺ·

    in reply to: β˜€οΈ πŸͺ· #442991
    Jana πŸͺ·

    πŸ“” It is February 20, 2025, 6:20

    I am very disappointed by US-Russia talk on Ukraine. It is very alarming.

    I stopped reading media during Covid. It only spreads panic and fear. It is very difficult to find unbiased news. That’s why I stopped reading them. I can’t find objective information in them. Let alone some peace.

    I didn’t have facebook, but I created an account a few days ago because somebody told me that I could send some ads for my lessons there. It is not for me. It is too noisy and unfriendly. I remember when I created the account, the whole page was about politics. I deleted the posts, refreshed the page and the same politicians appeared there again. The page let me know that they will send me a notification about elections on my phone. I mustn’t forget to vote them. Jesus, let me live! I feel like the whole party is stalking me. πŸ˜… I don’t like how people tend to behave on facebook, either. People do not discuss, do not support each other, they are just in a constant competitive mood. The only “social media” I find useful is pinterest and this site. The rest is just pain, chaos and disinformation.

    β˜€οΈ πŸͺ·

    in reply to: On my way to self-compassion πŸͺ· #442972
    Jana πŸͺ·

    Hello Anita and Alessa,

    thank you for being here with me. 😊

    Do you think that all people experience some emotional or mental difficulties?

    I do find external validation important. However, I never got it in my social bubble or culture. It is then very frustrating.

    It is interesting that you both find/found rules, plans, goals helpful to stay focused. I am very nervous when I have to follow strict plans and goals … I like to “flow” and to be flexible in situations. Rules and plans actually make me nervous.

    Thank you for your support! I’ll think about the words weakness, strength, failure, success. You can add your ideas about these words, too. πŸ¦‹

    “Self-compassion is something that goes beyond mere intellectual understanding, of courseβ€”it needs to be felt.” It is true. It is very interesting how these processes inside our mind work. It takes a lot of time and effort to really feel it. One can read hunderds of books on self-compassion but they will never feel it. There is something special you need to do to be able to feel it. I think that it is also connected to practice, for example mindfulness and meditation, which help us sort thoughts and discover “more” about us.

    β˜€οΈ πŸͺ·

    in reply to: β˜€οΈ πŸͺ· #442964
    Jana πŸͺ·

    Thank you, Anita, for the poem. 🐺 🌺

    Thank you, Alessa, too. He is. And I really admire him. His childhood wasn’t good, either. But he didn’t let the pain consume him. I always say that he must be a very old soul, because he’s so wise, always stays on top of things, and never lets bad experience/people affect his good heart. ❀️

    β˜€οΈ πŸͺ·

    in reply to: On my way to self-compassion πŸͺ· #442928
    Jana πŸͺ·

    Was it therapy or some other situation(s) that helped you with self-compassion?

    β˜€οΈ πŸͺ·

    in reply to: On my way to self-compassion πŸͺ· #442927
    Jana πŸͺ·

    I was always wondering HOW. How to cultivate self-compassion in my practical life.

    I guess that there is no universal answer to this question. We all have to find our own unique way to self-compassion.

    Internal validation of my suffering was a very important step for me. Before I started visiting this forum regularly, I actually didn’t understand a lot of things about myself. I didn’t realize how important role my childhood plays in my life even now when I am 36 soon… It seemed normal to me that children have problems because I saw a lot of troubled classmates and people in my life. But they all seemed to be managing their lives better than I was. They didn’t suffer from social phobia. They didn’t appear to be as sensitive as me. I considered myself a failure, I guess. How is it that everyone is managing their lives but I am not?

    I am trying to reformulate certain thoughts in my mind when they pop up.

    “I am weak.” –> I am strong because I am not afraid to face my problems.
    “I am a failure.” –> I am a fighter because I have already beaten my biggest enemy – social phobia.
    “I am too sensitive.” –> I am a sensitive, tender soul and it is just right. The world needs good and sensitive people. I can turn my sensitivity into a strength.
    “I have to change.” –> I do not need to change. I am enough as I am. I am here to be myself. I only need to develop as myself, not to change.

    And I also trying to give more validation to my inner child. I usually try to console her by visualizing that I hug her and tell her some soft words. “You were a good, brave little girl in that harsh world.” But it is still hard as it always makes me cry a bit.

    β˜€οΈ πŸͺ·

    in reply to: On my way to self-compassion πŸͺ· #442904
    Jana πŸͺ·

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It is very interesting to read different points of view on self-compassion and the struggles connected to achieving it. We are the same, but different. The same in our essence, but the stories are different.

    What was your perfectionism, Anita? I remember that I used to be a perfectionist at university, which brought me good results and some form of recognition and acceptance (which I strived for – feeling accepted and recognized was the drive for me to be “perfect” that time). Now, looking back I can see how impermanent my goal was. I worked hard, studied all nights, got great grades, got some approval from a professor from time to time and then… it all could begin again. I never satisfied my need to be recognized and accepted…

    What kind of affirmation do you use? And what happened that you no longer feel “cringe” saying nice things about yourself, Alessa? I have this experience, too. I’ll elaborate more about it later. (My dog is crying outside and I need to go to take her for a walk.) And do you mean that you are still in touch with your inner child, teenager etc. and this way you cultivate self-compassion, or you have always had different feelings about yourself based on your age?

    Please, share more! 😊 πŸ¦‹

    β˜€οΈ πŸͺ·

    in reply to: β˜€οΈ πŸͺ· #442899
    Jana πŸͺ·

    πŸ“” It is February 17, 14:45

    I have been too busy and distracted to practice mindfulness and meditation these two months. I am getting back on track slowly. It was a hectic and quite hard time for me. Glad that it is getting back to normal again.

    The internal validation of the struggles I went through during my childhood and growing up was very crucial. I have a feeling I am allowed to continue my personal development now. It would not be possible without my internal validation.

    I have been working on my self-compassion, too. I’ll write more about it in my thread about self-compassion.

    I’m at a stage where I feel honestly good about being myself and not trying to change or question myself. I have to play my part in this world and not try to change according to someone’s ideas. I would only fool myself, then.

    But that doesn’t mean I don’t have a lot of work to do with myself. In the end, I decided to turn down the job offer (english via phone) because I didn’t feel good about it. I need to have more space for creativity, thinking, and flexibility… I feel terribly tied down when I have to follow some external rules. These are the echoes of my personality “I will not be bound by anything.” That’s the lone wolf in me. I always choose freedom, even if it is hard and life-threatening (financial insecurity at this moment)… but at least I found two new students through my online ad.

    My boyfriend tells me that there’s no need to fight this, but rather adapt to it and look for a job that suits my personality and not the other way around. Simply keep looking for private students… I agree, but if I had a better paying job, he might ease up a bit. He works long hours in harsh environment with a lot of stress… people, managers, technology, … There are people in his company who had mental breakdown due to the pressure. He’s a strong and assertive personality… also a bit of a workaholic… but one can only take so much of this.

    (I’ll continue later)

    β˜€οΈ πŸͺ·

    in reply to: β˜€οΈ πŸͺ· #442897
    Jana πŸͺ·

    Thank you a lot. 😊

    β˜€οΈ πŸͺ·

    in reply to: β˜€οΈ πŸͺ· #442870
    Jana πŸͺ·

    Hello Anita,

    thank you a lot for your kind and warm words.

    You have helped me a lot and I hope that you know that I cherish you. πŸ€—

    I wish I could be more helpful to you. You are very kind and clever. You have helped a lot of people here. I was thinking if it is not too much for you. I can see that you give a lot to others but I am not sure if you get enough in return.

    Sending a lot of β˜€οΈ and ❀️

    β˜€οΈ πŸͺ·

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