Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHi Anita,
I apologize for the tremendously late reply.
I’m doing good. My co-worker is still being a pain but I’ve decided to let that go. And once I let it go she no longer became a pain. Sometimes you have to let people fall on their own.
As for myself, I’m doing OK.
How are you doing? What’s your location? I’m in Northern California.
ParticipantHi Anita,
I wanted to update you on what has taken place with me. I’ve been learning to think before I speak and if I say something that may come off negative, I say it in a calmer tone and usually with one or two words as to not escalate anything unnecessarily. I also try to put a positive spin on what maybe conceived as negative.
I’ll never stop voicing my opinion. I just need to learn how to voice it so it doesn’t come off negative or hostile for it makes for better resolutions in the end.
ParticipantCW1 is CW2’s indirect supervisor. I feel CW1 could have told CW2 to correct themselves before someone says something to them (meaning their direct supervisor). I see where Cw1 is coming from, but when CW1 told the supervisor, that supervisor ended up telling our manager. That’s what I really disagreed with. But that’s neither here nor there. But I see what Sup was doing which was covering their behind. Sup may still have spoken to CW2 but as to not keep the manager out of the loop, Sup let the manager know. But that’s neither here nor there.
I’m going to start using the phrase, “Let me think on that” “Hmm” which I think will give me time to actual think on something before reacting so I may respond in a intellectual manner.
Thank you Anita, for your assistance.
ParticipantHi Anita,
I mostly dispute what someone says. For instance, a co-worker noticed something about another co-worker that she reported to a supervisor (she didn’t lag (rat) on anyone. It was a safety issue she was concerned about). When she told me what she had done I immediately went to combative mode and expressed that I felt that she shouldn’t have told the supervisor. She explained why she did but for some reason I wasn’t hearing it. I was so busy getting my rusted two cents out that her logic didn’t hit me until later that night when I was home.
I’m very sensitive to lagging on someone. I only lag in situation in which I am either involved or am affected. Otherwise, I let others dig their own grave.
I’m quick to react instead of respond.
I hope that helps.