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  • in reply to: Fear from phobia #54391

    Hello Deborah, I have just joined this forum. And here you popped up! The very first post that I read. And I felt love streaming from my heart to yours, because when I was in my early twenties I was riddled with all sorts of ridiculous thoughts, that I knew weren’t logical, but there they were, accompanying me through my life. Is this forever I thought to myself! I thought I was really weird, or sick, but I wasn’t at all. And you aren’t either. Our minds can play funny tricks on us. Even when we think that we’ve always been ‘normal’.

    So firstly, rest assured you are going to be ok. I have lead a wonderful life since then! I just needed someone to reassure me, and tell me I was OK. I had this fear that I was abnormal. Actually, I used to be terrified that if I sought help that someone would lock me away:)

    Anyway, i finally did reach out. As you have. That’s the first step. And you’ve done it. Yay:) My life changed as soon as someone explained things to me. Phew, what a relief!

    The biggest thing I have learned in life, is to not try and go it alone. Our imaginations are epic!

    I don’t know if I’m allowed to do this, because I’m so new to this site, but I’d love you to embrace EFT tapping. You can learn it for free on my website: http://www.trulymadlydeeplyhappy.com Sometimes you’re so panicked when you’re in this situation that you think, ‘Oh that’s just another whacky thing, and then I’ll have to sign up for some program.’ That is absolutely not my style. I don’t want anyone to believe things about themselves that will effect the rest of their life, when it doesn’t have to be that way. This is a free way of trying an amazing technique that I use every day with woman just like you.

    If you need help, I’m here of course. I have clients like you every day, that think they are stuck with this for life. And then… the nightmare is over … really quickly. You’re going to be ok, you really are my darling. I guess what prompts me to reply to you is that I see myself in you many decades ago, all that fear! All of that future catastrophysing about how life will never be the same again. Yes, it can be good and wonderful again. Good luck, J x

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