Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHang in there, Cortney.
One thing that’s really helped me with my severe anxiety is just taking everything one step at a time. What can you do IN THIS MOMENT? Worrying about dinner, and tonight…save that for when you’re actually faced with it. Try being completely present here in the moment, right now. Soothing mantras may help as well…I personally like to repeat “All is well, right here, right now.” I’m breathing in the current moment, I’m alive, I’m okay.
Like Catherine said, meditation is also helpful. Anything to just calm your mind and to pull you away from the constant rampage of thoughts in your head will help 🙂 There are lots of guided meditations on YouTube and I also just like to listen to music to keep my brain from obsessing.
February 14, 2014 at 9:08 am in reply to: Toxic Negativity Ruining the Life I Desire to Have. #50998LaReason
ParticipantThat really does hit home! I feel like when I’m in that place where the negativity is ruling me, that’s ALL I can think of. My brain won’t allow anything else in. Just the focus on the problem or situation.
Now to decide if I feel like going through another hundred doctors to get some kind of help for this problem. :-/ I feel like I’ve seen every psychiatrist and psychologist in my area looking for some kind of relief or help and every single one tells me something different and I have yet to experience any relief!
Hope you have a great Valentine’s day with your man! 🙂
February 13, 2014 at 2:58 pm in reply to: Toxic Negativity Ruining the Life I Desire to Have. #50931LaReason
ParticipantI had never considered ADD either…going to definitely do some research.
Adrian, I’m the same way in that after my frustration subsides, I can see the situation completely clearly and calmly and I am completely self-aware. Even when I’m in the middle of an “attack” I can hear this voice in the back of my head going “You’re being irrational, in five minutes when this is over you’re going to feel like shit, just stop.”…but I can’t stop. It’s literally like there’s a monster taking over. I’m shocked at some of the things I say to my boyfriend when I’m freaking out. It’s so NOT from me…it’s not me saying it. Argh.
Being cooped up in my apartment alone for two days due to the inclement weather hasn’t helped my anxiety or frustration much 😉
February 12, 2014 at 3:04 pm in reply to: Toxic Negativity Ruining the Life I Desire to Have. #50873LaReason
ParticipantSame, I was reading this with a sense of relief that I’m not the only one out there dealing with this. 🙂
February 12, 2014 at 11:57 am in reply to: Toxic Negativity Ruining the Life I Desire to Have. #50865LaReason
ParticipantI could have written this post myself. I hope someone can post something helpful, because I am so, so tired of watching my life and relationships go down the drain because of something I can’t seem to help or fix.
ParticipantWell, my hate for myself has shifted to other people, it would appear. I tend to do this..jump back and forth from the victim mentality to the self-hatred. It’s either all my fault or all someone else’s. The good news is my body image has been much improved this week to where I feel like I’ve even taken time to cherish certain parts of my body that I before thought were repulsive…so I guess that’s progress. However, after spending nearly 2 hours straight sitting in the waiting room for my doctor to see me for a quick appointment that should have taken no more than half an hour (including wait time), I just want to scream.
Other good news though, is that two months ago this would have shoved me into deep depression that resulted in me spending every non-working hour in bed. Instead I cannot wait for this work day to be over so I can go home and go for a run.
I can see the improvement, I can…and I know there will be stressful and trying days no matter how much mindfulness I have or how forgiving I am or whatever…
Anyways, thanks so much again lily and I will try to keep you posted.
Your rah-rah-rahing made quite a difference on this gloomy Monday morning, so thank you for taking the time to write all of that out!I think deep down, I know that all of what you are saying is absolutely right. I know how privileged I am to be able to walk, and run, and jump, and work a full-time job and be financially independent and the list goes on and on…but there’s this layer of my mind that overpowers that truth. It almost makes me feel safe to hate on myself. Does that make any sense at all? It’s like I’ve conditioned myself to enjoy self-hatred. When I practice self-love I literally feel like I’m either “denying the truth” of my ugliness or being prideful, which I know is just that combative voice inside of me fighting the real truth. The thing I’ve been focusing on is silencing that voice or at least drowning it out with truth. I guess sometimes it just still manages to get the best of me!
It’s so encouraging to hear a little about your journey. I am quite impatient with personal growth and feel like if I don’t just start “getting it” right away that I’m just failing at it. The fact that it is a process that takes years, not hours, is something I need to remember. 🙂
I really do appreciate your kind, encouraging words. This forum has been such a source of comfort to me and I always leave here feeling so much better! Knowing that my struggles are not mine alone but are shared with so many other people really helps, too…just knowing there’s nothing “wrong” with me because I have these thoughts.
Thanks again and I hope you have a wonderful Monday!
Thank you so much for your kindness in taking the time to reply to me. I really do appreciate it. I actually have been in therapy for about a year now, and sometimes it feels like I’m really progressing and sometimes I feel like I’m back at stage one. It’s frustrating on the bad days that I can’t see the progress I’ve made. But I will keep trying.You’re right, I wouldn’t talk to a friend the way I talk to myself…but I don’t think I see myself as a friend, more of as a complete enemy who has betrayed me by not being what I want it to be. Does that make sense? I feel like I have self-love until my body betrays me or my mind betrays me in some way, and then I’m instantly on the defensive, just as I would be with an untrustworthy person in my life. Sometimes it feels like me and my body are on opposing sides and I can’t seem to reconcile those feelings.
Just writing stuff out does help. Thanks again and I will try to start making a list of things I appreciate about myself. The thing is, I can think of a lot of things I love and appreciate about myself, but they just don’t seem that important stacked up against my list of “failures” and things I don’t like. Like my height, for example….I’m 5’10” and surrounded by my petite and feminine friends, I feel like a giant unattractive mess.
I keep telling myself that I can’t compare my “behind the scenes” to others’ live performances…I think I read that here at some point! Just hard to remind myself of that when I’m so bogged down in anger at myself.
Okay, done rambling!
ParticipantThis was really inspiring to me! I too have a habit of bombarding my boyfriend with details about my day as soon as he gets home from work. I know this is the last thing he needs when he is exhausted and hungry. I think the idea of adjusting your behavior rather than trying to change his is a really graceful way of going about things! Will definitely be giving it a try.
ParticipantI was literally just about to post something very similar. I hope someone out there has some tips for us.
I work in a field where even a little mistake can mean huge consequences to clients…huge, life-altering consequences. And it seems that the more I try to cover my bases and make sure everything is okay, the more mistakes I make. I am absolutely sick to my stomach because I know I just made a huge mistake and there’s nothing I can do about it to fix it at this point, it’s done and I’m going to not only get reamed for it but also feel the immense guilt for causing a problem for someone.
ParticipantJohn, that quote really helped me as well!
Elle, I hope you have a great day as well! If you ever want to talk more about this just let me know! 🙂
ParticipantHi Elle,
I am in a similar boat…sort of.I am a child of God and worship Him. I do not attend church because I am fed up with fake people shoving rules and religion down my throat when I wholeheartedly believe Jesus wants us to love Him and love each other. I don’t believe they are showing love in any way shape or form (they only seem to “love” and accept me when I do exactly what they believe I should do). Anyways…I have found Buddhist teachings to resonate VERY well with my heart. I find a lot of parallels between Buddhist principals and what I believe to be the heart of Christianity. It’s all about LOVE.
I did my first guided meditation this week and left feeling very confused. Is this against what I believe about God? How do I co-exist in both Buddhist teachings and teachings of Christ?
Not quite the same question you asked but you’re not completely alone in that feeling!