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  • #133447

    Hi Julia !
    This is a community and I too as the others above, we all have some things that we’re working at. I’m no expert here but maybe my insight might be of use.

    It may be useful to watch some videos by Lisa a. Romano on Youtube about codependency and growing up with narcissistic parents (they are not monsters- but individuals who also experience loneliness as a result of living with narcissistic parents)

    Also check to see if your insurance carrier will cover the cost to see a therapist and find a great fit for yourself. Try to join a womens’ support group in person or on Facebook or watch some Youtube videos (haha more Youtube !)- try untameyourself.com she has a youtube channel- Elizabeth dialto

    All the best to you !


    Hi Anita,
    What I mean when I say relate, is really to still keep a connection with my family. They more than anyone I believe has a lifetime connection to me. I do understand your points and have taken away a lot from your perspective. Someone suggested an author to me I believe his name is Dr. Henry Cloud and he supposedly has a book called Boundaries.

    I am working through a plan that will have me on a path to relocating to a place that has been calling on me energetically for a very long-time and also, I have put into practice to create my own happiness and not wait for anyone I only need myself and whoever wants to be there with me unconditionally.

    Thanks Again


    Thank you Anita !

    Do you know of any books or authors that write on these topic of creating those boundaries in a healthy but assertive way ?


    Hi Anita, thanks so much sometimes-most of the time- I need someone to see what I am unable to wrap my head around.

    Yes I agree that the ‘sense of obligation blocks my freedom due to their unanticipated needs’ you made me realize how I ignore my very own anticipated needs-a fear of spending and not feeling like I will have enough. I have a repeated pattern: I want to relocate to another state, I want to have a successful entrepreneurial career(a passion of mine) but I get to this place every spring and summer where I feel like I can’t take care of myself and make those things happen but yet I am trying to fix things for other people.

    The biggest reason I want to redefine the relationships in some way- is the stress that come from me being the decision maker and now i’m dealing with mom that doesn’t make decision on facts (Dad has passed away). I have been walking away so that she can solve more on her own. the more I set boundaries, the more distance I receive and lack of support. So this is where I need to know what to do.

    At his point the above statements is what I have been able to clarify and new issues that come up from the helpful questions you have asked.

    What do I do in these situations to relate?


    Hi Ginger263,

    I feel for you and your situation. I don’t see anything in your question about your mothers situation or if she was verbally abusive to to you due to an illness, maybe you edited your question. So based on what I have read, and to some degree you really do need to consider a healthy way to cut back on enabling this situation. I will assume your father is not suffering the same condition and can see after their finances. Try to shift your mindset a little by stating ” My Dad is more than capable of handling this situation..” [ this helps ! It shifted my mentality ]

    With that stated, as I am in a slightly similar situation, I would’ve recommended that you do cut some enabling and co-dependent responses to your parents’ financial problems. And it is a financial mismanagement problem that is continuously supported by you unfortunately- I feel your pain.

    And of course we feel an obligation to our family, especially when we live in the same home- 1) we must contribute financially and 2) our culture socialized us to take care of family BUT we now know that other people must carry their own weight otherwise generational issues can occur. You may have the same expectations of your children as you age-these patterns sneak up on us because they are SUBCONSCIOUS beliefs- they are very powerful. And your subconscious belief in this case is that you must suffer and your family must suffer in order to help your parents AND that you are the only one who will ever be able to fix the situation as you are the ‘only financially capable one’.

    When you can re-train your subconscious thoughts to believe that your parents/Father are more than capable ! Capable of downsizing, capable of Dad making sure payments are automatically withdrawn for monthly mortgage payments, Dad is capable of assisting Mom by attending financial counseling together, they are more than capable of making income to pay the bills, Dad is more than capable of attending a counseling session with Mom at a religious community/church about finances, about their relationship difficulty, maybe renewing their vows-anything to plant a seed in Mom to seek help later on for her illness. You can suggest this to him by stating “Dad you are more than capable of doing X.Y.Z solutions with Mom”

    Carrying this type of weight and other peoples insecurities will take a toll on you, your husband, and children.

    All the Best !

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by Mimi.
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