Forum Replies Created
Lucas Laurence
ParticipantHey Alex,
I think what you are experiencing is very normal for a young person just out of college. I recently met a Veterinarian who did her undergrad degree in Business Administration. After several years of working in finance she realized it was a wrong fit for her. She left her corporate job and worked for a local animal shelter where she did the accounting and other administrative duties for a humble salary. It was here she discovered her love for animals. She never grew up around animals as she lived in an apartment where pets were not allowed. She decided to go back to university to complete her pre-requisite science courses necessary to enter vet school. She was accepted to vet school, completed the program and the rest is history! Why am I sharing this story with you? I want you to know that it is ok to feel this way and normal to consider a change. Although it is fine to make a change if that is what you truly desire, I would weigh your options first. Is there anything that you enjoy about your current job? What made you decide to pursue this career in the first place? In these economic times jobs like yours are few and far to come by and many people would love to be in your position. I suggest you do some job shadowing or interview current personal trainers to get a better feel for the industry before you make a switch. Sometimes when we are unhappy with our current circumstances we tend to believe that if things were different we would be happier. I have learned many times that this is not always true. I don’t provide advice but my opinion on the situation is this, try and improve your circumstances first. 1) Reach out to co-workers and build relationships with them. 2) See the positive in your situation (employment, salary, creative aspects of the job). I was once in your situation as well, but I realized that my circumstances were not the problem but instead the way I was viewing the situation.
All the Best,
Lucas -