Forum Replies Created
December 26, 2017 at 4:09 pm #183783
ParticipantIt is really strange when you are sleeping and you think that the act of sleep is difficoult. In the while I don’t suffer of insonnia, but I create problem where I don’t have. It is normale? I don’t think so…
December 17, 2017 at 10:07 am #182605Ale
ParticipantHow did you go out from this situation?
December 17, 2017 at 4:26 am #182553Ale
ParticipantDear Anita.
Yeah. I and all of people here have understand that the moment is the most importat moment to live!
In these days I’m felling always very tired! Do you know this sensation??
December 16, 2017 at 8:19 am #182499Ale
ParticipantYeah. For advertising I mean advice! Sorry but my english is not good. I think that I could start to think that I’m not my mind and start to live the reality as it is. Maybe sometimes is like I don’t know to live. It is a bastard emotion. How can I live more the present? I know that it could be naturally, but is really difficoult
December 15, 2017 at 4:52 pm #182443Ale
ParticipantHi guys. I discussed a lot of these advertising that you gave to me with my terapyst. He has said that I need to practise the strategy and make concrete them. I need to stop to read ever new books trying to find something that can help me and stop to think about the perfection that it is the main problem of anxiety in everyone, in particoular to me. He said another important thing about the phrases that I repeat in my mind in loop: I use that phrase as a ritual to manage my anxiety.
Now, I focused on the concept. But it is so natural when I’m confuse in the present. I’m trying to live less in my mind and go out of that and live the moment. Do you know some advertising for me?
November 9, 2017 at 2:11 pm #177335Ale
ParticipantDear Vj,
Yeah the point “The moment you realize that you were in your head is the moment of Presence” inspires me. And Yes I stop the tecnique after few seconds. This is the loop. Is like i forgot the strategy and I “need” to be sure that I stay on the right way and I start to repeat.
In the following days I’ll try to see only my thought and not care about that. I’ll start to be focused on my body and the present.
thank you 🙂
November 4, 2017 at 3:51 am #176403Ale
ParticipantI search to feel my inner body, or my body in general to “escape from my thought” but my head start again after few second lol
November 4, 2017 at 3:46 am #176401Ale
ParticipantI read a lot about the present moment you know. My problem is to thinking to much and saw a video of an american boy that said to bring the mind in the present moment and live like a children of 3 years old. Why this? Because they are constantly in the present moment. Why children are in the present moment? And why we are not in? Because we pass from a full life to an thinking life?
For example, this night I had a problem with sleep. Sometimes this appens. And when you start to search a solution you’ll never sleep (after an hour I fall asleep) but my mind sees only the problem, not that I sleept 7 hours! My terapyst say sometimes that the weather not helps.!!!November 1, 2017 at 4:21 pm #176137Ale
ParticipantIt is a good strategy to not “thinking about the thinking”. I’m trying to explain better: so the focus it could be on the present moment you know. So, not to be focused on the activity of the mind, but to be focus on the present (inner energy said VJ). So disregard the thought is good for me? I’m overthing…I know that it is not the way…
October 31, 2017 at 3:57 pm #175955Ale
ParticipantDear anita
Thank you for the message. I think the same! But what do you do when you are lost in the thinking and you are unconscious of that. A lot of time I find my self lost in the activity of mind. So this is the reason of the loop. Sometimes I’m not conscious of that and I think to much than normal
October 29, 2017 at 11:21 am #175461Ale
ParticipantDear Anita:
I know that it wants calm and practise. That is so difficoult lol Take it with irony.
In other words it could be possible that I’ve lost myself. My phisologyst says ever that I have to be more assertive, but I forget ever this priority and I come back in my head with the ossessive phrase and strategy. I did not great the terapy I think. Infact when I come back home after the meeting I go to my laptop, write the strategy and repeat that in my head again again and again. Maybe I have to change my attitude and live more without thinkin…what do you think about that?
October 26, 2017 at 3:34 pm #175077Ale
ParticipantDear Vj and Anita. Thank you for your messages. I also use this blog to speak about this worries about this situation and I’m glad to let out my thoughts. However, the last sentence is really usefull for me, like in the moments where I stay stressed and I’m searching in my minds some solutions. Solutions that derived from books or web, or the same psichologyst, like live in the moment ecc (you know now lol). In this week I archived a lot of informations about live in the presente because you know is bit difficoul to focus for me. I know that all of my thought are without sense and function and that I must to stay in the present, in body and mind each other.
In addiction, I stayed well this week because I lived normally and naturally in the moment, but when I’m stressed I come back to my head. It is a loop of hell!!! lol
October 20, 2017 at 10:40 am #174025Ale
ParticipantI understand this point of view. Maybe I’m full in these concepts! In this way I’m in my head and not in the present.
Otherwise I agree your point, in fact we stay well when WE LIVE OUR LIFES AS ARE NOW with THE GRATITUTE OF THE SINGLE MOMENT. But, like in every situation, I’m obsessed by the fact to read and accumulate more information possible and so, like you said, I remain confused!!
October 20, 2017 at 8:34 am #174003Ale
ParticipantDear anita:
I mean that our thought make the reality. Is a famous spiritual proverb. However why it is so difficoult go out from our mind and our obsessive thought??
October 13, 2017 at 8:11 am #173011Ale
ParticipantI agree now. It is the point of view that I needed!
Now I’m reading a book that speak about a terapyst that save mental case in America only with the thinking! I’m at the start yet but for now I agree on the fact that “I could change attitude in the person, changing my attitude,because my head create the reality.” Absurd for me! ahha