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I know exactly how you feel.. I was feeling the same way for so long when I was 21, I eventually sought medical help and was diagnosed with Genarlized Anxiety Disorder very similar to OCD because you have intrusive thoughts without the having to repeat an action over and over again. I was placed on differnet kinds of anxiety and depression medication until I found one that was god sent.. It really changed my life, my relationship with my bf and many other things.. Until I decided I didnt want to take medicine all my life especially cause they are very horrible chemicals. One day I decided I wasnt going to fight it anymore.. I accepted what I had and I let myself understand that what I was thinking wasnt me.. Acknowledge it but dont let it fear you.. When it becomes a fear thats when anxiety kicks in.. A lot of other things are stil helping me, like drawing close to God, and eating more clean.. A lot of food that is processed contains many ingrediants that just make anxiety worse.. One more thing that is very important is drinking a cup of Chamomille Tea everyday or when you feel anxious. I hope this helps hun. There will be good days and bad days but always pray pray pray.. God will show you the light at the end of the day. When it becomes to much.. Cry, its good for you every now and then. Best wishes..
I am now 27 years old and after 5 years of being medicated, I have to say last year was the beggining of a new life.. I can say It has been good and I owe it to God. HUGS TO YOU~