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ParticipantHello, Ally! I’m sorry you’re having so much on your shoulders, I really am.
I agree with Mark: give yourself time to grieve. If you feel like crying, cry your heart out! Your feelings are legitimate because you’re feeling them, so never be ashamed of letting them out.
About Uni, maybe there are clubs there that you could join? Clubs about stuff you enjoy and that way you can meet people whom you can get a better connection with! If there is none on your Uni, maybe somewhere else? It’s hard to feel connected when the people around you don’t seem to have the same interests. The internet is also a great place to meet people who share your views, and even though you might not meet people in person, you’re still going to have people around you, talking and supporting you. “Being close isn’t physical”, I read once in a book, and I couldn’t agree more.
About your parents… I’m awfully sorry about all of this. It is a really hard thing to deal with, and having parents that had a fallout myself, I can relate to you wholehearteadly. Have you tried talking to your father about it? I know it is a very, very awful thing to find out, but maybe he also needs someone to listen to him so he can try and figure himself out? If he’s cheating on your mother like that, there has to be a reason. And it doesn’t seem like it’s lack of love towards your mother; maybe it’s about the thing you said, that they don’t really show their feelings to each other?! Maybe he needed to feel loved too. Maybe he’s doing it not because he doesn’t love your mother, but because he’s not feeling her love for him. Would you be willing to try and talk to him? Maybe when you’re feeling a bit better? Because you have to take care of yourself first and foremost before trying to take care of anyone else! I think he also needs someone to lean on to, because sometimes is hard for us to see stuff for ourselves, and a little push in the right direction might be needed. I know he isn’t being truthful to you, so a different approach might be needed, like you being completely honest with him as well. Open your heart to him, and he might be willing to open his heart to you. It won’t be easy, but you can do it.
Your friend also seems to be having a very difficult time? We all deal differently with stress. Maybe she needs someone to talk to as well. Life seems to be hard on her too, since she’s on Uni and not doing so well, so please don’t take her comments personally! It seems her way of dealing with stress; it hurts, but it’s not about you – it’s about her, you see. Sometimes we hurt the people we love without wanting to because we’re hurting inside.
I am glad you and your boyfriend have such a solid relationship, though! And of course you would doubt him after so many things happening. But Ally, you don’t really know what’s going to happen in the future! It’s awful thinking about things that will happen, and I know it’s hard not to think of them, but aren’t you happy right now? Isn’t now what counts? If in thirty years time he really does (which I HIGHLY doubt) cheat on you, then it is in thirty years time that you will have to deal with it. Try to slowly let go of these worries and concentrate on how happy you and he are at this moment, right now. I know it’s hard, I really do, but you’ll get better in controlling these thoughts and living in the present in no time!
One thing that always gets me through rough times is remembering that everything is temporary. Your happiness might be temporary, but so is sadness. It’s how the world works. You’ll heal from this, stronger than before and wiser; just give yourself time and takes things slowly! Slow is good. Slow is the way to go!
I really, really hope you take care, and that everything gets better! And believe me, it will.
I’m sorry for anything, and be strong! You’re going to get through this, I believe in you! -