Forum Replies Created
October 9, 2017 at 2:32 pm #172515
ParticipantThank you for your reply Anita.
They way I understood the Laws of Manifestation and attraction weren’t that our brains give off cosmic waves but that everything is made up of energy and each ‘thing’ be it living or otherwise, is vibrating at a certain frequency in order to actually be that ‘thing’ for example, a drink can is vibrating at the frequency it needs to be a drink can. When we think about something, our brains, which process a vast amount of information, only filter through the information relevant to that thought, therefore, you notice ‘opportunities’ in line with your desires. When we concentrate on something (for example a certain type of car) if we can tune our vibrational frequency to be in line with the frequency of the car, then we attract the car to us in one way or another, through a series of noticed opportunities which we would need to act upon in order to actually get the car. The ‘thoughts’ really are only important in pointing our attention in the desired direction. The brain then controls the vibrational frequency of the cells of the body and new neurological pathways are formed inside the brain telling you to notice certain things. For example, when I was looking for a name for our little boy, I picked a name that I had only heard once or twice before but once I had picked the name and started calling our son by it, I started to meet people with the same name and started hearing it all over the place. Once my brain had learned that I was interested in the name, it changed so that I would notice what had always been there but up until then had just been edited out with all the other information the brain processes during the day that is of no interest to me.
I think this is why you wrote “This law operates sometimes in some contexts.” as it does appear that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t depending on how you interpret the information within your brain. But a law is absolute, it cannot work sometimes and not always otherwise if two aeroplanes, both flying at the same height, switched off their engines mid air then one would plummet to earth while the other would stay in the air.
This seems to contradict the law of detachment on the face of it, as to detach from something usually means to forget about it and stop focussing on it, but the way I understand it is that in order to ‘have’ something you must first be in the vibrational state of ‘having’ it. Therefore, detachment to me means to be in a state of mind that I already have what I want, therefore I no longer need nor want it.
The law of least resistance to me is not so much expending as little energy as possible in order to achieve maximum results, as doing things or settings things up in my life so that situations will flow more readily to me. For example, looking for a job, if I didn’t put in the extra effort to make sure that my covering letter and CV were geared up for the vacancy for which I am applying, then I am not creating a path of least resistance for the interview to come to me. But, by going the extra mile and putting in a little extra effort then I am creating a path of least resistance for my desired job to be one step closer to me.
Unfortunately, your last paragraph confused me somewhat (I guess it is to make me look back over what I have written and so that I can have an ‘aha’ moment and understand where I am going wrong) but because I have understood the laws differently from the way you have, I can only assume that you mean we have not been utilising the law of least resistance in the way you have outlined it.
Or maybe what you mean to bring my attention to is that the way I have understood the laws and the way in which I have been trying to use them (although ‘use is the wrong word as a law works whether you think you are ‘using’ it or not, but I can’t think of a better way to put it) to live my life hasn’t worked for me, therefore looking at something from anothers understanding might help me to succeed where I have otherwise failed?
Thank you for your advice, I am always happy and open to anothers point of view and more than happy to try out ideas and suggestions different from my own as (as you’ve probably already established from my original post) my own have not always worked for me. There is no point in asking for advice and then ignoring it because it doesn’t line up with my own point of view.
Thanks again
October 8, 2017 at 8:14 am #172165Victoria
ParticipantYes I remember that. I am sorry that I didn’t get back to you then, things got worse and worse and as our situation grew more and more desperate, there have been several occasions we have been without the internet. And then I completely forgot about this site and that I had an account here. It wasn’t until I was searching for somewhere to ‘unburden’ my problems as it were, that I found it again!
The laws of the universe that I was referring to (and I realise I gave a very vague description previously) are (but not limited to) The Law of Attraction, The Law of Manifestation, The Law of least Resistance and The Law of Detatchment. (There are many more, but I can only remember the ones I have been trying to understand fairly recently).
The ‘acting on every opportunity’ was a reference to using the Law of Attraction, in that you raise your vibrations to match the frequency of the energy of the thing you wish to attract and then look out for anything that matches up to this. Obviously, we didn’t just follow blindly anything that we felt might be an opportunity, for example, the opportunity arose to travel abroad, but it didn’t seem to align with our life at the time, and it wasn’t practical to do within our current financial budget so after a lot of thinking, we decided against it. One of the books that I was reading at the time stated that the universe (higher power, cosmos or God, whatever you decide to call it) will offer you the opportunity several times and that there is never a ‘missed’ opportunity because if it is meant for you, you will see the same opportunity over and over again. We didn’t see the opportunity to travel again once we had made our decision not to follow it.
I realise that typing like this, I’m not able to get my point across as eloquently as I would like to, and as I am still suffering some after effects of being gassed, my brain isn’t as sharp as it once was, so a lot of what I want to say doesn’t always come out in the right way, I apologise for that and hope that my posts aren’t too confusing or appear as ‘thrown together’ as I feel they are.
Yes, we have been struggling for a long time, and I wrote my original post shortly after we had our encounter with carbon monoxide, so I was even more confused then than I am now!
May 20, 2015 at 9:00 am #77012Victoria
ParticipantThank you raven11 🙂 I meant that my pram is up for sale (as are most of the things that we have that are of any value) but no-one is buying them!
Anita, you’re right, I should’ve been more specific. I’m just in the middle of something at the moment, but give me a little while and I will put together a better explanation 🙂
Thank you both for your thoughts 🙂