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Participanti think im coming across that i have nothing good in my life, a negative, draining and depressed person. im actually a person who can find contentment in small things like pottering around the house, being in the garden, looking after my two cats but yes if i had a magic wand i would have more than this, confidence, money, friends, partner and my daughter as i know if i had more confidence and money we would be in a better place. it has caused her alot of disappointment where i have not been able to go on holiday just the two of us as im too afraid so my parents have kindly taken us both on two holidays and paid for it even though it caused alot of distress for me being around them especially the last holiday. i have let my daughter down in many ways and she is struggling because of my mistakes, i owe it to her to be here as every child needs a parent.
if you knew all the hideous stuff i have done to others, you wouldnt be this caring. i know i have a heart and i want to see all people getting on well in life with minimal suffering but my behaviour has hurt people, i know i have been hurt but i now feel like im just so unlikeable that people dont want to be with me. i ma loner, always have been and looks like i will be in my future.
Participantwow when i read your post i cried.
an anxiety ridden, fearful and uneducated person couldnt make it on my own but im happy you asked me the question and im not sure why. i think i know why, because i feel you genuinly care about me but then its important to say that what i write on here is my side of things (honest of course) im not an angel ive hurt my family members. i always retaliate when i feel by my family. here is another example, when i went to visit my mum with my sister, they were talking about my nanna who has passed away a year ago and they were both very close to her. my mum carelessly said to her that she had a ring that belonged to my nanna that my sister could have. my mum was hunting aroung in her bag for it, making a real fuss (not sure if its nerves or wanting to please) she couldnt find the ring and was apologising and i offered to help her look in the bag. it wasnt there. i said that i do not remember being offered a ring and my mum said she did (i honestly cant remember) probably because she felt guilty she offered me my nannas prayer book, i said thankyou and said i appreciated it but i would feel like a hypocrite as i dont see myself as religious, this was not received well, my sister said nothing and it was awkward so i knew i had upset her again by being myself. maybe i should have just taken it, smiled and said thankyou like i used too.
if i didnt have my daughter i would see leaving them all behind as a more appealing direction to go in but i cant leave my daughter behind, it would break my heart and i dont want to break hers. five years from now yes definetly.
Participanti hope the last post is noticed as it hasnt been updated on this feed
Participantwell thought i should write again as i am feeling avoidant about how im feeling over recent events. Summer holidays had started and she wanted to be with me for a few days. it reminded me of how it was in her younger years, not listening to me and pushing boundaries. its relentless and i end up being an overbearing mum, at the time i think im doing right and to a degree i still think i am, i explain alot why i say no to things that she wants as i think its important she has a reason and of course i say yes and some of the time if not alot of the time she doesnt ask. she tries to get what she wants when she knows im preoccupied with something and it was quite serious so i have now said to her that we should only spend time together outside of the house which was hard for me to say. Out of exhaustion and feeling angry i swore at her and slammed the door. of course i regret it, it seems so hard to be so patient as i think even a person with the greatest patience in the world would feel challenged. so now i have to feel guilty about that. ive been trying to get us both some family counselling arranged which is challenging to say the least and also got in touch with my other therapist as i figure if she is willing to see me again after i have paid the debt that is owed, it will to use this as support which i feel i desperately need at the moment and being on here airing how i feel is valuable. i sent my therapist an email with a genuine apology and i havent had a response. im scared she wont respond as i will feel rejected again.
I had to ask my mum for money today as i was faced with my latest benefit statement and it will only be enough to cover the rent as i only receive half now. i acknowledge i have more than other people, im reminded of it every day, my neighrbour for one. she is an angry alcoholic and now has a house full with her two grown up children and two grandchildren, not one day goes by where she isnt screaming at them. ive hated living next to her but its got easier over the years as you get used to things. i felt alot shame again speaking to my mum as i know what is expected of me when i need help. i feel i need to explain myself completely leaving nothing for myself, she wants information about my problems so she can keep tabs on me, she makes me feel like im lying and i am a huge burden and i honestly think id feel the same if it was my 37 year old daughter needing financial help off me, id be pissed off too. I am trying though, i applied for ten jobs today and when i said this to her its like she had heard it all before which again i dont blame her doubting me but its upsetting when my good efforts of trying to be more independent is not even noticed or a ‘well done’ its so rare that i have had any kind of acknowledgement. my sister who i mentioned in the last post came with me to visit my mum so she could make amends so i was useful for them, nothing more and knowing this helped to get through it but of course it still hurts. the same dynamics played out again and i knew what was going on, their oblivious to what there doing, i could see the dishonesty, the grovelling, the subtle scape goating and most definetly being ignored. it reminded me of as a women/young girl how i feel so inadaquete when im conversing with them as they seem to be alot quicker than me when it comes to figuring things out, like their always one step ahead of me and if i have anything to say or if i know something they dont it doesnt have value, i only to seem to get warmth from them together when im being the helper. its like im aware i like to think before i respond and i want what i say to make sense , ihave to know exactly what the person means and i think it could be because im full of anxiety so i cant relax. this relates with feeling incompetent as my dad said i was thick a few times growing up and it stuck. even my face looks dazed and i get told to smile alot which is depressing as alot of the time i dont wanna smile. i hope this makes sense to read.
Participantim glad you found the strength to end your relationship with her as it is obvious that doing so has been the right decision for you where you now feel like a worthy and significant person which you are. i hope to be where you are one day with the belief in myself that i can make it on my own without my mum and dad and become a confident person. it is making so much more sense to me. it helps to know what im aiming for even if im not there yet. im gonna try (which ive been doing already) to live my life as if they wearnt offering any help at all to build up my confidence.
‘the truth will set you free’ i like it and i shall remind myself of this. when i am very stressed i say ‘this too shall pass’ when time seems to stand still.
in my last post i asked if i was wrong for asking my sister about looking after my cat, do you think i was wrong? because i trust you can you honestly say if you would rather i stopped writing to you? i have this paranoia that people secretly dont like me and feel burdened when they are in contact with me. i value your time and kind words and your the only person at the moment who is encouraging me to think about my own needs.
Participantits been a bitter pill to swallow in the knowing of my parents including my sisters that they dont genuinely want me to have a good life. i really feel like they dont like me, i know it doesnt help to see it objectively when its your own family but all i can focus on is how im missed all the time. what i mean by that is not accepted and not understood. my mum has recently just came out of hospital. i have spoken to her on the phone and saw her in person since she has been home. i got through it by remembering what you said and it helped so thankyou. i appreciate you telling me it straight to prevent me from further hurt but i like you have said before its automatic with family as the bond is too strong. although im pleased with myself for not divulging information when she asks questions about my daughter as i know she talks about me behind my back and will be thinking that i am not handling the situation in the way that she would. my mum thinks she is so moral and wise (alot of it she likes to beleive is because of he catholic upbringing) all my family do it. talk about each other and not completely honest with each other with the exception of brutal harsh honesty at times where it feeds the cycle of how things play out in my family. i could see the game playing that my mum was doing again such as putting others on pedestals about how kind and lovely they are with a big smile on her face whilst i feel like i am not significant in the slightest and my actions of visiting her and asking how she is, offering to help with shopping gets overlooked or an insincere thankyou. she makes subtle hints because she cant be direct with me or uses other people to prove a point about me, to put me down under the guise of ‘concern’
i know my mum is ill and hopefully will get better but i dont want to see her if i can help it but guilt motivates me at the moment although i did delay seeing her over the weekend and i even think she wanted to see me because my other sister was out the country who is the only one remaining (apart from myself ) that is in contact with her. however i can see that changing as my eldest sister who has recently been mourning the fourth anniversary of my nieces death is reaching out to my mum through me, asking me how she is. she said that she wanted to go with me to visit her. this is the same sister i have let back into my life since she attacked me quite bad, had her hands round my throat twice, slapping me in the face and calling me names as she was grieving and wanted somebody to blame. that was the night i stupidly thought apologising on behalf of all the family for not being being for her when my neice was dying (she pushed people away and is an angry person although my family were still judgmental and cold) this triggered alot of anger in her obviously. recently i asked for her help as we were gradually spending time together and it has been going ok (the attack is what led me to give up drinking and i havent drank since christmas and i will not touch a drop again) i asked her to look after my cat for three months but she said ‘dont put this on me’ and i replied ‘only asking. do you think i was wrong for asking especially as the timing wasnt great with it being the fourth anniversary. i also asked my mum in a very indirect way like i know she was going to say no anyway and guess what she said no ha but then she has a perfect excuse being the vulnerable victim who is poorly out of hospital.
my dad is not happy with me because i asked for my wages as i hardly had any money left (both customers have not paid) and i havent heard from him so im feeling a bit guilty about that and angry at the same time.
i guess i just have to start getting used to how it really is, that my family dont like me and see me as a failure.
Participantyesterday was the final straw for me. my sister putting me down calling me a weirdo because i didnt want to talk to her and my mum almost smiling as she said this, when i stick up for myself im the bad guy. im always having to fight my own corner against my family and im sick of it. my dad is also two-faced. we worked together yesterday and a customer was quite rude to him about the work that had been done (she was quite within her rights though as my dad is not as good as he used to be so he cuts corners where he can) i didnt like the way she spoke to him and because my dad normally never will say what he really thinks of people that annoy him he said nothing, (the lady was quite patronising) i interrupted and commented about how she spoke to him. she responded to humiliate me in front of my dad and he said nothing. im so angry for feeling sorry for him and standing up for him. later on that day when we had a chance to speak about it, he done what he normally does, appears to be caring and on my side and then said do you think you could have handled her as she is so qualified? what an invalidation. when he relayed what happened to my mum later at hospital, my intention was just to explain it the way i understood it and how it had already been discussed with my dad, he showed a different side to him in front of my mum, again making me feel himiliated, potraying that i didnt handle the customers comment well. it doesnt sound like alot but to work with my dad takes huge effort on my part and i dont like how i end up behaving. i become aggressive and i end up embarrassing myself which triggers all my shame.
i could go on and on about my family but it doesnt really matter because i dont want them in my life anymore. i want to do it gradually instead of abruptly to make it easier.
you have really helped me anita to have the courage to see this for what it is and even with potentially losing my niece and nephew. i have thought about it and they already look down on me anyway and so does my daughter because as much as i dont want to sound like a victim all my family have put me down or abused me. i have tried to protect them in my own way to help them feel less unhappy but i realise now my efforts have been a waste of time so they already will carry on with the family tradition. my sister is a very toxic person and i worry about the harm she might cause as she has already said she is gonna get involved with my daughter currently living with her dad because she thinks im not doing enough (very hypocritical of her as her husband takes drugs in the family home and has a horrible temper)
i have been really honest with myself and have decided that i dont have to feel guilty for not wanting them in my life anymore when all they do is hurt me. im just trying to be myself. being around them knocks my confidence and i end up feeling bad about myself, this will not help. i realise this more than ever now. i now have to learn how to change these habits of mine especially when i am lonely or need financial support from them. i dont want to depend on them for anything but im scared of not having money and not having anyone if their was a crisis that could happen, being alone and afraid.
Participantsorry for the spelling mistakes
Participantive beem thinking more about what you said about how to continue to spend time with them just reinforces the need to want to be loved by them. i thought i was ok with it but its not that simple is it.. today my mum was in hospital and i witnessed her feeling happier about being there, getting so much attention from doctors and nurses and of course myself, sister and my dad. i really did see her as a helpless child today and still manipulating the conversation under these horrible circumstances. im a believer in our mental and emotional reressed thpughts and feelings manifest physically if its given the attention and care it deserves. i wish my mum felt the desire to want to make better life style choices because she has a family but my mum always puts others on pedestals and speaks highly of how kind and caring other people are and how she prefers them. my dad is quite similar in this respect. on the way over to the hospital i was alone with my sister in the car and once again she started putting me down and bullying me. ive decided i know longer want her or my mum in my life after today. im still holding out for my dad even though deep down i know he doesnt really care too much about me either. it will be hard doing this though as she has promised a day trip with my daughter where my neice and nephew will be going too (she doesnt get to see enough of them as it is due to my brother in law and my sister) cutting off my sister means never seeing my neice and nephew again well not intil their older as i know she will use them as a weapon against me, i feel really angry towards her at the moment and in a way it feels good because ive made up my mind, i just dont want to lose my neice and nephew as their still very young and she will probably turn them against me and of course my daughter losing them too. is this the price i will have to pay to respect myself and think of my own wellbeing?
ParticipantA few replies did not send which is frustrating so ill try and tie it together the best i can.
it does not trigger hope anymore with my mum but it still does with my dad but what does continue to happen is me feeling like i have to hide who i really am and the weight of the sadness combined from both parents passing the energy onto me. i am left feeling unseen, unheard, misunderstood and depressed about my life.
i do think the amount of therapy i have had over the years, the more awareness i now have and the healthier changes i have made and still want to create does count towards healing? I think i may have said before in a previous post that alot of the material of the work that was explored in therapy was about forgiveness, forgiving myself mainly for my parental mistakes i have made which naturally turned towards my family and the way thet have treated me. i see it as a contradiction as i need to feel compassion towards myself for mistakes i have made and this has been guided to approach it by seeing myself as doing what i felt was right at the time with the limited resources i had. hurt people hurt other people and its the same for my parents. as im writing this i realise i may be confusing forgiveness with acceptance. although its a long way off where i can imagine a life without them, if or when i am presented with the opportunity to cut ties, this would be the hardest part of all of it even more than all the hurt i have felt as i dont want to hurt them by abandoning them. when i look at my parents i see broken adult children who never got what they needed either, how could i do that to them?
putting my parents aside, who am i without my family? i am a small person in a small world with no money of my own, no friends (only one) no relationship (i really want one but im really scared my anxiety will show up again as it usually does and having to feel so much shame when they get to know me and then of course waiting for the rejection) unemployed as i dont know what to do with my career so to cut ties with my family would isolate me completely and then i would really have no confidence to take risks. im so eager to be with someone right now that i would probably end up being needy and moving the relationship too fast.
is it ok to continue doing what makes me feel good until i feel a bit more confident with getting into a relationship or am i putting off the vulnerability that always comes in any relationship? do you think im in a position to look for a relationship? sorry if this is too many questions.
ParticipantYes that fits for me. My family are very different from how I want them to be which conflicts with my belief is not having much worth. My mind says ‘who do you think you are, your not important enough to have standards of what you will accept and not accept’ ‘your so deluded when you think your ok as you are because no one likes you, deep down you know this is true, where are all the people in your life, there isn’t anyone because nobody cares about you, they just feel sorry for you and occasionally use you for something or dump there stuff on you because they know your desperate for any kind of attention and so unsure of yourself that they can dump there crap on you so they can feel better’
I know the hard truth is despite my need for connection and belonging I must go without and gradually spend less time with them and hopefully meet other people that genuinley like me. I know you usually advise people to cut ties permanently with the family members that have done the original damage in order to heal but do you think seeing them on a rare basis could still help me heal?
Participanti find that if im feeling isolated and needing some connection then i gravitate towards my family where my needs are so great that my knowing of not trusting them is forgotton in the moment and then i soon realise that i have fallen into the trap as im always hurt or left feeling manipulated. you are so right about what you have said about my parents, it helps to hear it from your you as i have so much doubt. i want a life where i am not around them like i am and to get there means meeting a partner and i must be careful not to see this person as my potential saviour but as my equal partner. i want to be financially secure and confident in myself and to have friends that put in as much effort as what i put in but there no where to be found yet.
i really appreciate being able to write on here and receiving the replies i have had.
Participantsorry ive taken a while to reply. ive wanted too sooner but i have had alot to deal with. its strange though that even though i feel i have alot on my plate, i say it loud to another person and its no big deal and i question myself, whats wrong with me? why cant i just go faster? why am i so slow even though i dont think i am. i am in conflict in my head triggered by other peoples responses.
Thankyou for being so open about your own personal struggles and taking the time to respond. when you feel really alone it means alot. it sounds like you have experienced so much pain and im sorry that you have. it sounds like you have learned alot from being a single parent whilst having anxiety and depression. I would like to hear what helped get you through if you still want to.
i dont have it in me to say them words to my mum. its not about willingness as i could give many examples of times where i have tried to make amends or have taken responsibility when i shouldnt have and apologising first so i could feel ok and feel less guilty and of course not feel abandoned. just recently i have saw my mother in a way where i dont feel like i want to give very much to her at all now. if i was to say, again, it might seem like i should just get over it and stop being so sensitive but in my heart i know that i have to honour my feelings.
whenever i am trying to be firm and boundaried with my daughter, she tries many ways to test me and she knows exactly when to do it too, normally when she knows im tired, in a hurry or feeling a bit down. over the last few days she has got physical with me, barged into me deliberately, threw my new phone, threw shoes, slammed doors really hard, wanting to argue and talking over me alot. she said she has no respect for me. her moods change daily when i have been seeing her. upto now whenever we have not been getting on, i send a text or call to make sure she is ok to reassure her that i still love her. tonight i text her to say i think its best at the moment she doesnt come to the house because of her behaviour but she can ring me whenever she wants. im scared this is a mistake but surely she needs to learn there are consequences to her actions. i guess you could call this ‘tough love’ i cant help but feel i have let her down.
thankyou for your response.
The milk example i gave is a way i feel loved by someone where they are considerate, i dont think its asking too much. when i have asked my mum about but she just gets defensive, loud and tries to humiliate me by making it seem like im being too sensitive. it happened recently. when i mentioned before about how my mum and dad turned up when my daughter did where she was putting me down for not working full time and being on benefits, my mum was being supportive by saying that i am never alone and i can rely on my parents for help.i asked my mum for help since and she has begrudgingly helped with my cats. without going into too much detail, it was quite stressful in the car bringing the cats over. she realised she had upset me, instead of me reacting like i have done sometimes when i have felt emotional, i didnt say anything and she broke the silence. she tried to act like everything was ok between us, i didnt go along with it and then she said ‘are you gonna sulk now’. again i just didnt bite as i needed her help. i guess you could say i was faking it but i was just trying to keep myself calm and in control as i was worried about my cats. i always wonder if my mums behaviour is deliberate or not as its very subtle what she does. i could go on and on with examples but it would be quite dull to read.
i realise now how much my daughter is manipulative. im really worried for her. i want her to have a good future and be a kind and caring person. even when we lived together she was putting me down about not working enough, she has done it for a while and not just about work. about the car i drove, our home not being modern or big enough. i beleive this is stemmed from her dad saying this to her over the years as well as her cousins where my sister & brother in law have had an attitude of me and house not being good enough.
you are right about her dad not thinking well of me anyway so why should i care about what she tells him. perhaps its naive of me but the last few weeks he has been civil with his emails (this is the only way we communicate) and im trying to make peace so hopefully my daughter will stop manipulating us both and he wont put me down in front of her.
when they made fun of me it really hurt and this is a big wound. im starting to feel a bit better in my own skin as im literally not afraid so much to show it as i want to feel good like everyone else and there not perfect. being self conscious has affected my confidence, my work performance and intimate relationships since i was very young.
maybe my dad was venting to me but if felt like he needed some guidance. my dad has never been consistent with what he has said, my mum is the same. my family keep secrets from each other, many conversations end with ‘dont tell __
yes your right i am projecting my parents onto you. their not honest people and i dont trust them.
Participanti realised after sending the last reply i didnt respond to all of what you said. when my dad made fun of me with my sister, i didnt always see my mums reaction as i was scared to look incase she was joining in, what i saw was her smiling and not saying anything, it was the not doing on her part i hated. i notice i seem to blame her more than my dad when it was my dad that was doing the harm and my sister. when my dad would call me thick and my mum, i would encourage my mum to stick up for us both and i would share very sheepishly that he upset me, she would stick up for me but i felt i had to badger her into it. my dad has done quite inappropriate things where he just always done what he wanted to do. sometimes i called him out on it but i always felt shame for doing it and felt bad for embarrasing him as a dad. surely though if i had the courage to assert myself with him things were not that bad for me. this is why i think im giving them a hard time. its very confusing especially as i am a parent myself.
your probably thinking that im very immature for my focus being alot on my parents and still stuck in the dynamics of it all but its because im trying to heal. i can be very mature at times and i feel like i really have my head screwed on so to speak. if i had more of a support network i think my life would be completely different.
im not sure how much to share with you so ill stop here and wait for your response. i do appreciate you taking the time to reply. your feedback is helping me learn about myself.
Participantthanks for your reply.
I feel like you would rather not respond as you havent mentioned other things i have wrote. i am scared that i am being ridiculous for my reasons to be upset, this is why i need a different perspective with the examples i gave? do you think im being trivial? do you think it sounds like im being a spoilt brat?
its confusing for me because today both parents have been quite supportive about my daughter as she has once again hurt me. she arrived before i was due to pick her up. it was great initially , we were both happy to see each other, she share with me issues at school, i empathised. when she asked about a play station that i said i would get her (we both agreed that when i buy this she will move back home) i apologised for not getting it when i said i would because they have stopped my child benefit now she no longer lives with me, this opened up her view on how i live my life. she was putting me down about not working full time and being on benefits. i said to her im happy to hear her views and her opinions but she does not get to disrespect me and said she will have to put her phone away as that is the house rule (this is a big factor as to why i asked her to leave) she did not want to and i said well you will have to go back to your dads then. my mum and dad turned as this was happening unexpectedly and they were a bit involved as it seemed that she wanted their input. i kept trying to say lets put this behind us and start again as i really want to see you this weekend and we can do something nice together. she said ill see you sunday and i said i will see how i will feel. i didnt like it when she text her dad asking to pick her up and said’ill just say to my dad you threw me out’ i didnt rise to the bait but i have sent an email. the school have been in touch and apparently there was an incident at school so i will speak to them monday. she mentioned it but she made it seem like it was no big deal, she said she was just being silly. she is worried about her friend going on holiday as she will pretty much be feeling or possibly being alone at school and her best friend is moving away to a different school so i know she is going through alot of emotional turmoil.
I was working with my dad today (occasionally i work with him) and in a very indirect way he was expressing how he is not wanting to be married to my mum anymore and i found myself encouraging him to separate as i want my parents to be happy. i have done the same with my mum before. my dad said among other things, ‘if it wasnt for the kids i would probably be gone’ i am always put in the position to give advice alot in my family and to my sister but its strange because i feel valued but then im not able to be myself. now i feel guilty for the feelings i have held against my mum today and she was kind by giving me a gift and being there (dad too) when my daughter was leaving.
can you be really honest with me? im not saying you havent been so far but i feel your holding back?
no contact with parents? when there being kind and caring, i cant imaging putting distance between us but other times like i have shared i want more than anything to do that because im hurt. regardless if they stay in my life or not i want to not have to rely on them for anything and have my own family.