I’m kind of the same way except been with my bf for 5 years now. Sometimes I feel like his habits really affect me negatively, like watching lots of tv and eating poorly, but he’s also very rational and responds best when I present him with a reasoned argument for or against, say, cooking meals at home vs going out to eat (for him is often fast food). I think it comes down to whether you can communicate what you’re feeling without making him feel defensive. I’ve already made up my mind and communicated to him (I can be rather blunt) that as things are, I don’t want to get married and I don’t want to have kids. As long as that’s not my game plan I can live more in the moment (vs. planning ahead and worrying about the future), and I can be more independent and not be too affected by the decisions of others. Probably not the most mature way of dealing with things, but I’m a control freak so that’s how I’m currently dealing.