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All of this sounds really un-healthy – Anger, betrayal, her still holding a grudge and being angry, not being able to let go of the past, not speaking to you, cutting off all contact, her family thinking you’re a bad person, her father threatening to call the police if you contact her or even go near her. I’m sorry if it were me, I’d hope to be with someone similar to her in the future but sadly not with HER anymore. Due to how much hate and anger that comes from her end, that’s just way too messy and it’s honestly not even fair to you either. It takes two people for the relationship to go sour, not 1. These kinds of negative behaviors towards you isn’t love in the purest form. Esther Lederer: “Hanging onto resentment is letting someone you despise live rent-free in your head.” She decided to let her family know how much she hated you, painted an ugly picture of you and the type of person that you are, I wouldn’t want to marry a woman who does that or marry a woman knowing her family only knows bad things she has told them about me and hates me for that matter, forget it! Yes, it’s going to hurt hun but do not let her or her family define who you are and your inner worth and most importantly steal your peace. People who believe that they know you better than you know yourself, are ignorant and not worth your time, energy and space in your daily thoughts.

Maybe some day she will tell them something different but I highly doubt it at this point. I may be slightly wrong and if I am then great and you two have all my personal blessings and positivity sent for a beautiful reunion/marriage. But unfortunately from her side, all of this energy is hate and negativity and I wouldn’t want myself surrounded by those kinds of people or their bad energy. The more I read your posts, the more it spells out that this girl isn’t meant for you, too much hatred and craziness. Especially when the police are being threatened to come after you, if you so much as even contact her. You can and will still always love her but it’s best to move on. Hold onto all the beautiful memories you two were able to share in the past, as those are the ones you will remember the most. In time you will heal and eventually move on.

Another beautiful love is meant for you in the very near future and you will marry and be happy, as long as you do the healthy thing and allow your heart to stay open by loving yourself and staying positive. You’ve learned something and so did she. You will always love her and if she decides to marry, than ultimately that was her choice and knowing the indian culture you’re not forced to marry nobody you don’t like, even if it is arranged, the woman or man, has a right to say “no”. Right now, take this time to focus on yourself and your healing the healthy way. Get a good nights sleep every night, stay around people who love you for moral support, eat right, get in touch with nature, bask in the sun, allow yourself to laugh and smile, shed a few tears when you need to as it’s a part of your healthy healing process. And also, stay positive.

You are a beautiful soul Ravi who deserves unconditional love, positivity and forgiveness. Not a life and a family full of hatred and negativity. Everything will be ok.

Sending you lots of love positivity and light your way, all the best. 🙂
