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Okay now you are going to have to forgive me here because I am going to possibly say things that may hurt. I am by no means trying to do so. If there are things I write here you don’t understand ask and I will clarify.
If you know what you needed, if you asked him for it and he did not give it or respond to it is that really love?
To me love and relationships ships are 2 way streets. It takes both to make it work. It can not be just one it has to be equal on both parts and if it is not it will not work. As harsh as that may sound please just stop and think about it for a while.
If you continue to try and he refuses or does not this is going to keep happening again and again. Don’t accept something just for the sake of being with someone. Be with someone who will give you what and all you need. Please don’t settle. Think of your child when you think of just accepting this.
To me the 3 easiest words to say are “I love you” anyone can say those words. The 3 hardest words to say with true meaning behind them are “I love you”
How many people do you know that toss those words around like nothing? How may do you know that mean them when they say them?
Not sure about you but I don’t know very many at all. I have seen and known many one sided relationships and very very few true loving committed relationships.
Let me explain to you why and how I see this the way that I do.
I am your proverbial nice guy. I am the one who opens doors so you can walk through, I am the one who opens a car door for you, I am the one who remembers all the little things that brings a smile to your face, I am the one who remembers all the dates and times with out reminding, I am the one who sends flowers for no other reason than to make you smile, I am the one who is proud to hold your hand walking down the street…. Okay by now I think you have got the picture =)
I have listened to so many women say how they wish they had such things or a person who would do such things all of my life. This is my way of life, this is what I believe and nothing or no one will make me change or give that up.
All of my relationships have ended due to cheating. I can count my relationships and partners on both hands and still have a couple of fingers left. I have no idea why they went the way they did. I have asked many and many times as to why or how come and none have given me an answer than “it wasn’t you it was me”
In those relationships I had chances and opportunities to cheat and I am proud to say I never have. If I say those 3 words I mean them. They are not toilet paper to me they are sacred.
I base this response on things I have been through and seen. Settling will get you no where but hurt. It will take away your confidence and destroy you from the inside out. I know I have been there and I currently live there.
Find what you seek in one and one only. If you can not find it in one move on until you do because you deserve just that. Don’t compromise or settle for anything when it cones to love. It is all or nothing at all. If you settle or compromise you are only setting yourself up to be hurt and used.