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Dear sona:
I believe you are making good sense. If I was you, I too would take a break and maybe decide later to end the therapy with him. He may very well have fallen short. Like I wrote to you before, this very cycle of you panicking/ feeling distressed before seeing him and then taking a couple of days to reset/ return to normal- this should have been discussed when it started or shortly after. The fact that it was not discussed raises a big red flag for me regarding the effectiveness of the therapy.
After all, it should help you with your attachment/ separation anxiety, not re-create one and keep it going in the relationship with him!
Do take care of yourself. I understand he was helpful, but psychotherapists are as limited as their own healing is, from their own issues. They can’t go farther than their own journeys in their own lives. Education and certification can take you only a certain distance and not beyond.
Post anytime…