
Reply To: Recovering from depression and anxiety, and starting a new Relationship

HomeForumsRelationshipsRecovering from depression and anxiety, and starting a new RelationshipReply To: Recovering from depression and anxiety, and starting a new Relationship


Dear Marie:

About your last relationship, I agree with you that the two of you share the responsibility for the nature of it and the fact that it ended when it did. You are not the only person with ‘mental health issues”- I think most people, if not all people have mental health issues. I think to Live is to have Mental health issues. But I digress.

I think it is very meaningful, what you wrote about searching for the emotional support from your mother.

You wrote that you are very empathetic to others but according to your last post, you are not empathetic enough to yourself. I figure this because you wrote above that you were “ashamed and scared of opening up to anyone.”

I am going for a long walk now but I have more to write to you. Could you elaborate on being “ashamed and scared of opening up to anyone”- would like to respond when I am back in a bit more than an hour.
