
Reply To: Don't Take It Personally


Dear sunnycoons:

Well, you are not on line…A better idea perhaps would be if you recall an angry exchange you had recently where you lashed out at someone. If you’d like, you can type the exchange as in a movie script: she (or he) said, you said, she said, etc. and in parenthesis you can record actions taken, for example;

I: Can you help me with this exercise, I don’t get it.
She: You are slow, aren’t you (eyebrows rising, mocking expression on her face)
I: You always put me down!
She: No, I don’t. I was just kidding. You are too serious, lighten up!
I: You *&(&^b O&^Y& $&&% (walking to door, slamming it hard behind me, kicking the door from the outside with foot)

Just a crazy example. Take my offer if you’d like. I admire the work you are doing!
