
Reply To: I'm lost. Don't know how to move on.

HomeForumsRelationshipsI'm lost. Don't know how to move on.Reply To: I'm lost. Don't know how to move on.


Hey anita.. I was referring to my 2nd bf on this post. I met him on 2015 but only dated for 6 months. I went on a vacation that time to move on from my first bf,there I met him. I felt attraction right away with this guy and so I was able to move on from my first. I wasn’t so jealous and possessive like I was with my first bf cause I learned alot from my first relationship but from time to time I get scared but I was happy with him.My problem is now after we broke up. I get scared dating another guy. How do I addressed and processed that fear when I was a child? 🙁