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I do not believe that there is such a thing as a god (no capitalisation intentional). And certainly I don’t believe in the catholic church.
I was raised as a catholic, but without any strong convictions on my parents’ part. My father is a divorcee and the catholic church does not allow divorced people to have a church wedding again. So they were kind of alienated by the church itself, with a priest telling them that they are a “problematic marriage”. They are together almost 30 years and are one of the best couples I’ve ever known. So that was the initial thing that caused me and my sister to doubt in the church and religion. Later on we started doing some research. She went in the direction of more scientific approach and I started studying the history of religion and Christianity itself and learned that gods were created by humans because of the lack of better means to explain their universe. Humans are curious by nature and they had to have some explanation why the sun is going up and down, etc. This is not the only theory on the development of religion and many scholars worked on that topic and why does humanity need mythology. But I found this the most convincing. With the development of science, religion becomes obsoltete.
While one cannot rule out 100% that there is some higher power, we might as well wait and see how science develops. People used to believe the most outrageous things and everybody must be prepared to adjust their views as new evidence appears.
Sorry for a long post.