
Reply To: Scratching head

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Dear XenopusTex:

Side note: thank you for your comment on the other thread about caffeine and anxiety!

This is disappointing to me (and to you, of course!)- just like that? Nothing happened between one good talking with her to the next no-hello? Just like that? Nothing in between?

If that is so, then you are dealing with an unstable, unreliable woman, emotionally at this time, at the least (if this is not more permanent on her part)- and there is nothing you can do. It’s like dealing with a person with ongoing amnesia- what you talked about, the meeting-of-the-mind you had just a day ago or so, evaporates into thin air like it never existed. Can’t build a relationship on random, to be forgotten interactions. For there to be a story, second paragraph has to follow first paragraph, sequence of events, a gradual development of intimacy.

Another analogy is you can’t draw a picture from dots unless you connect the dots, and all you can have with her is dots, isn’t it so?

How frustrating. Did you ask her why she is not saying hello? Something like: “Susan, what is wrong? Why are you not saying hello to me?”
