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Dear XeopusTex:
As to your last sentence: flashy, shiny objects do get attention, immediate attention.
You wrote: ” the ones who are left fall into the categories of harpies, persons with serious mental/emotional issues, and other issues. Like I said, if there isn’t something seriously wrong, women don’t stay single long.”
I am challenging the quoted two lines above for accuracy, reality. If a woman has a serious mental illness that shows in the form of her walking in the street unwashed, speaking to someone who is not there- then everyone can see that she has a serious mental illness. And you can see that she is alone and you think: no wonder she is alone. I wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with her!
But there are plenty of women who are washed and exhibit good table manners and other manners who have serious mental issues. Some of them are flashy and shiny.
It is the flashy and shiny that are “taken” first, become unavailable, not the mentally well.
Honest, kind women- women worthy of your trust- some of them are there, available. Just not flashy. In your last line you referred to yourself as having “stability, reliability” but suggested you are not flashy. Well, just like some women will bypass you because you are not flashy, you too bypass some women because they are not flashy.