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It was a family member, not my parents at all.
I am finding it a huge relief to get all this out and find that it is helping a lot with my road to recovery. Since I discovered all this and the root cause to my addictions it is like they have fallen away and have no hold on me anymore. I am proud to say that I have been clean of drugs for over 2 years now and have not found the need to relapse at all. As for the porn addiction it has been over a year that I have watched porn and a good few months that I have looked at any form of porn or pictures of naked women. As I said since the root cause to all of this has been exposed it is as if all my other demons have just fallen away and no longer bother me or have a hold on my life.
My wife has been so amazing and supportive through all of this and has been my support and rock for when I am feeling down. I know it has not been easy on her but we have found that communication is the key to getting past all this. It like a new breath of life has been blown into our marriage. And we feel stronger than ever before.