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Uncertainty is hard to deal with, and it’s not surprising that this knocked you sideways. I don’t really have any advice as to the ex, it sounds like that could go either way, and who is to say what would be best.
But that’s not the only thing going on in your life, and I would advise you to focus on the other stuff. Have you got somewhere to live? Have you got a budget? Are you taking all the practical steps towards employment? Do you get enough sleep? Exercise? Vegetables? Have you got a wardrobe you can clear out and sell the clothes?
It may seem like I’m just advising you to distract yourself from the overwhelming uncertainty, and that’s part of it, but also, uncertainty can feel less overwhelming if you focus on something, however small, that you do have some control over.
And have faith in yourself. Continue to meditate. You will weather this storm. You are resilient and strong, and you are coping. Sometimes coping looks like sobbing under the duvet for an hour.