
Reply To: How to open up to people?

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Dear HealingWords:

Unfortunately, it is not good enough for us as children to have sometimes-supportive parents. We need consistently supportive parent/s. Sometimes your mother supported you having friends, pushing you that way and at other times, often enough, she did not, being judgmental of the friends you had.

Your father’s comment is alarming- not only is it bad, bad parenting kind of comment, but especially alarming to me since at the time (and still, as I understand) you were not even kissed by a guy. I wonder if it was an exceptional event, him calling you that name, or if there were other similar, maybe more subtle such communications to you by him…?

You wrote that your patents “are happy they got me and not some druggy kid,” Happy that you are …not as bad as a druggy kid? Comparing you to the lowest denomination in their minds, a drug addicted daughter, is not much of a compliment, is it?

Continued quote: “but they are not always supportive on who I am and what I want to do with my life.” This is my point, not ALWAYS supportive. We need consistency, not … sometimes.

Please post again.
