
Reply To: Living off the grid

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I think when you are aware enough to let go of the fear itself, there will be nothing stopping you from remaining with the herd and operating in it. You will be living the same life, most probably, but you will feel more in control and less anxious.

Sort of like when some talk about being “in the world, but not of the world”. This is a state of mind I have and continue to strive for, yet not without some reservations. I would like to feel more in control and less anxious, but I don’t think I would be living the same life. Life itself is ultimately a “state of mind”, and fear and anxiety, like wonder, joy, love, hate, and all emotions are a part of the state of mind. They provide a sort of sound track to the life story, coloring the state of mind in lighter and darker shades. The more intensely we feel and experience these emotions, the more we read the book of life from a first person point of view. The more we distance ourselves from them, the more we read the book of life from a third person point of view. Personally, I could use a little distance, at least for a while, from the intensity of the first person point of view. A little more time watching the race from the stands rather then driving one of the race cars. Both points of view experience the race, just in different ways.