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@Driftwood: Howdy. How’d your birthday go, btw? I know, probably like most any other birthday.
Dunno if I’ve mentioned it, (that has become a phrase I use quite often here, hasn’t it?) but there’s a bit of a concern with the whole counseling thing. I don’t think I can get myself to be completely honest with the counselor, on the topic of self-harm, for the simple fact that, legally, she has to inform my mother if she thinks I’m a hazard to myself, or others. Do you know how awkward of a car ride home that would be? But – it’s been 2 or so months since I’ve cut. I think. Mainly because I don’t have anything sharp nearby, and I’m not desperate enough to use a mechanical pencil again. (It got infected instantly. Kinda gross.) Compulsive picking is still a problem, though. I feel like I don’t have much of any emotional connection to either activity anymore though, if that makes any sense. The last time I cut, the guilt was dull and the cuts didn’t last long. Picking is a completely mindless habit, but that doesn’t make me feel any less alienated when someone asks about my torn up fingers, or scar-ridden legs and feet. Anyways, I think I’ll kind of sweep cutting under the rug, since it’s been a while, and I don’t need this household to get any more tense. But I’ll definitely make a point to mention picking next time, just for help with a diagnosis, and advice. I’ll also push myself to mention my friend, who’s been coming over a lot, recently. I suppose I’ll mention it here, too.
One of my two close friends I’ve known since 7th grade has been contacting me a lot, lately. She’s a sweetheart, but she doesn’t think before she speaks, and she also doesn’t understand mental illness at all. This past visit, not only did she take it upon herself to clean my room again, but she even had the nerve to ask me why I dislike my mother’s boyfriend. I told her, but I could tell she wasn’t quite taking me seriously. She’s going through the same verbal abuse from her grandmother currently, but she seems to hold herself better. She still roams her house freely, and goes on about her day. She’s asking my mother for help with setting up a resume. It just makes me feel extremely inadequate, weak and lazy. She goes on to make comments that I should go out more, and talk to my mother more. And about how I can’t live in a pig sty for forever. I can’t help but grind my teeth at her ignorance. My friend is saying just to be blunt with her, but blunt isn’t something I’m good at, especially when it’s pointing out someone’s flaws.
In case you’re wondering, they did finally do the floors. It only took several hours of mariachi music and loud construction noises. Now, the floor is constantly cold, and everything echoes across the 800 sq ft apartment even more. Joyous. He won’t stop shouting about how clean the plastic hard wood flooring is. I can’t help but fall into his guilt trap. This big inconvenience of those two having to move everything out of the living room, kitchen and dining area wouldn’t have happened, if I bothered with taking the dogs out for the past 3 years. But on the other hand, my life shouldn’t revolve around other people’s responsibilities. I don’t know.
Hey, I’ll watch and review all of them, since I have nothing better to do.
Sarah made a poster is informative, and straightforward. It’s long enough so you understand the process, but not too long to where you might die of boredom. I think it’s neat that she can actually get her work done that simple. And I genuinely like the end result. Some of the top-down shots with the wood desk background feel a little “Ooo, look at me, I’m a quirky, modern hipster!” but maybe that’s just me. It feels a little overdone, but you’re talking to someone from the notorious city of hipsters.
Sam made a sizzle reel feels a little lengthy, or just a little bit of too much babble. Maybe I’m just too used to playing around with saturation and contrast features. The top-down shots are getting painful to endure. There’s a top-down shot of him sketching, which seems completely irrelevant. I also feel like you don’t get to see much of the final product – the thing he spent the video talking about.
Zenzele made an animated gif is interesting. I am not a fan of the “I don’t do funny” gif in the beginning, because it feels like a desperate grasp for relevance. I like the art she does, and I think it’s very inspiring. I actually follow someone on instagram who does something similar with magazine clippings. (I found their website. http://thedailysplice.com/ )
Maddy made a t-shirt features a cute idea. But parts of it also feel like a desperate grasp for relevance. Mainly the whole “Dinosaurs don’t know what they’re doing with their lives, too”. That part felt like a G-rated animal meme. But the end design is impressive and professional, and really shows the potential of the program.
Nathan made a resume features a minimalist with a funny accent. Personally, the sketching part seemed a bit unnecessary, because there’s only so many ways you can sketch a resume. Also, the top-down shots are the worst on this one, because since he’s a “minimalist”, that means the top-down shots have to be super organized shots featuring black and white clutter. Also, the “hobby” icons section felt a little childish and unnecessary, but I guess it shows off his amazing graphic design skills. And I feel like there’s so much more you can do with this program, besides put together a piece of paper that determines the worth of your existence.
Sandra made an app features a lady with a funny accent and her hip, new dating app. I find the idea for the app unique and quite nice. It’s something I can relate to, with my S.O., because we met in a chatroom, where visuals aren’t really a thing. I think if I were to have seen him when I first met him, it would’ve made me form a different opinion on him. Anyways, I spaced out at the 30 second mark. The video was lengthy, and I kept zoning in on her accent. On another note, I feel like this app would attract nothing but morbidly obese people, to be frank. To be purposely pushing appearance out the door makes me feel like there’s something fishy, if that makes sense.