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@Driftwood: Hey, again. Glad to hear your birthday was eventful.
Just got home from counseling. I did a bad. Everytime I tried to maneuver conversation, another small talk prompt popped up. But, I did get some benefits out of the session. She logged onto my files, and checked my blood results. The average vitamin d levels are 30-100 [units, as she didn’t say what exactly], and my level is at 11 [units]. All hail agoraphobia.
Also, yeah. My mother does see and acknowledge that I pick, but not often. At one point in summer, I had an accidental gash on my arm that I wouldn’t let heal. After a few weeks, she asked me if I was alright, and I shut her up about it, and wore long sleeves for a while. She’s commented on my hands, too. She doesn’t think much of it, because she used to do the same. She says I’ll probably grow out of it like she did, but she was also never as bad as I am. Anxiety, depression and thyroid problems run in the family, btw.
It’s interesting hearing insights of videos from someone in the biz. (I know, majority of people my age don’t use weird slang like “biz”, but you’re talking to someone who uses the phrase “bomb diggity” on the regular.) The “hipster” thing has been popping up more and more in the small amount of advertisements I happen to witness (I only say that because I don’t watch much television, and I have adblock on my pc), and it’s slightly cringe-worthy. Whenever something becomes popular on the internet, businesses cater to it 5 years later. Right now, the big internet craze is the 80’s vhs aesthetic, and I’ve seen a few ads influenced by such, but not many. The only one that comes to mind, currently, is Progressive’s After School Special inspired commercial. (I only know about After School Specials because one of my past english teachers forced us to watch one, for class.)