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Dear Desmond:
“But she is clinically depressed and suffering from anxiety. These things she had not before we became partners.”- no doubt, she was not well before meeting you.
“I have seen her fall down into the dark place.”- it is you who fell into a dark place. You are in that dark place as you read this.
“But she believes I can stop doing that and we can become a good couple.”- the promise of being a “good couple” is the carrot she dangles in front of you, the false promise of reward. You will never get to eat that carrot.
“she keeps remembering new things and bringing them up”- this is part of her abusing you.
“And they sound really true, like something I could do and might have done.”- and this is evidence that her abuse is working- she has effectively brain-washed you to the extent you admit to “wrongdoings” you don’t even remember.
“My punishment as you call it, is it not fitting?”- no. You committed no crime. It is not right for you to be incarcerated.
“I have destroyed her life, I have wrecked her mind, she is now depressed and unable to move on with her life.”-
No, she is destroying your life; she is wrecking your mind; you are now depressed and unable to move on with your life.
You are under the false belief, the delusion, that she is in trouble while it is you who is in trouble. Get out of this relationship. Save yourself.