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Dear Johannah7:
You wrote to me: “Your last statement really struck a chord with me ‘The reason you are confused when you listen to him, is that what he tells you is not making sense, it is not true to reality’”- and so, re-read this statement.
You and I kept referring to the other woman as “his ex” and it just occurred to me she is not his ex, she is his current girlfriend. He has two girlfriends, you and her.
No wonder “he implores (you) to see this differently”_ he is doing something wrong: having two girlfriends. Instead of correcting his behavior and letting go of one of the girlfriends, he implores you to twist your reasonable thinking in such a way that you think he is not having two girlfriends. And he has been partly successful, so much so that you keep referring to the other woman as “his ex”. (I bought the term too, until today).
You wrote: “I don’t want to give up on what could be true love and happiness”- when this relationship becomes “true love and happiness”- then, please, do not give it up. But so far it hasn’t and isn’t true love and happiness.
There is only ONE reality. There are many views but only one reality. When you align your view with this one reality (not with his view), you will find peace of mind.