
Reply To: Lost Motivation at Work – Crossroads & Tough Times

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David Hayes

Tessa, I had an almost 20 year career in advertising agencies and have experienced…many times…exactly what you are describing: way too much time on my hands. At one agency I had so much time on my hands I went out one day and watched a matinee at a local movie theater and then, when I came back to work, realized that no one had any idea I’d been gone. Then, on the other hand, there were times when I was at work from 7am to 9pm for almost seven straight months every day of the week.

I grew to hate the advertising business. At one point…the first time I was laid off…I went out and tried to make a career change to real estate agent. But by that time I had four kids and a wife I supported and I just couldn’t generate income fast enough to pay the bills…so back to agency life I went.

That lasted until I went to the client side. That was better! A lot steadier work load and no ultra-crazy hours. Sure, there was still a small bit of ebb & flow, but NOTHING like the agency world. So, my first piece of advice would be to see what you might be able to do on the client side in a marketing department somewhere.

But, even that didn’t, in the end make me happy. I recently resigned from my big ol’ corner office marketing job and don’t intend to look back. I feel that, ultimately, I either work for myself or “die trying” as it were. I, too, grew so weary of suggesting new ideas, new ways of doing things, etc. and having someone in the old guard fearful of change eventually get it all killed that I just gave up.

I can’t say I’m in equilibrium yet. I’m living off of savings and trying a number of different things to get new income streams to match the costs I’m desperately trying to drastically lower. But I’m full of hope and I’m working hard and happier than I’ve been in years. Interspersed with moments of sheer terror 🙂