
Reply To: Guy says he likes me but wont see me!

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Ness C

I hope you don’t take what I’m about to type offensive; however, I’m just going to put it out there.

We had a date scheduled this friday but i had to cancel because i have a mandatory meeting at work around that time. so i let him know and i asked if saturday was ok, since i do not work saturday.

Well he agreed and then he said that our date would HAVE to be around noon because he was busy at 5 pm. This is the second time he does this, as our first date he had to go somewhere at 5 too.

So i told him that i could not go around noon but only after 6 because honestly i dont like the fact that he can only fit me in during a certain hour, and i dont wanna ask what it is he is doing at 5.

Understandable with your mandatory meeting; however, who’s to say he didn’t have anything to do around the evenings. He did accommodate your changed plans, but you’re not meeting him halfway. If it really does bother you, discuss it with him. Because honestly, a relationship should be comfortable and full of open/comfortable communication; otherwise what would be the point?

Now I’ll admit, the three week thing does suck and I agree with you, why wait three weeks. However, it seems you two aren’t official so if I were you, I wouldn’t get so deep into this until you two do decide to become official or just keep things cordial