
Reply To: How I am trying to stop going from one failed relationship to another

HomeForumsRelationshipsHow I am trying to stop going from one failed relationship to anotherReply To: How I am trying to stop going from one failed relationship to another


Dear Chris:

You wrote that one of the ways you were BEFORE, was: “trying to impress and show off all the time.”

It reads to me that this very thread is doing the same as before: trying to impress and show off. The sheer length of this thread, the unnecessary details… the unnecessary list of character names at the beginning, the unnecessary qualifiers-

I am suggesting that you edit your post above, and re-post it, cutting the length by a whole lot, and make it short, concise, simple and clear to read, nothing complicated/ sophisticated- this … sophistication of your writing takes away, it does not add, does not clarify.
