
Reply To: Getting over infatuation with someone who wasn't real

HomeForumsRelationshipsGetting over infatuation with someone who wasn't realReply To: Getting over infatuation with someone who wasn't real


Hi Anita,

Thanks again so much for your input on this. I think you’re absolutely right that my emotional reasoning seems to be fighting with my logical reasoning.

I’ve noticed lately that I’ve been obsessing over one particular statement that he said on that last phone call. When I asked him what he thought caused him to suddenly loose interest, he first said he thought it “sort of just played itself out”, and that he realized after a few weekends together he realized that us being together “wasn’t going to happen” and he said “I just don’t think I want that (a relationship) with you, I’m sorry”.

What has been bothering me, is that he wouldn’t say why he specifically didn’t want a relationship with me. I think at this point it’s the closure that I’m looking for, the reason why he no longer saw value in being with me. I think if I truly knew that, even if it was something silly or that I didn’t agree with, I could stop obsessing about it. I think what really bothers me is that it seemed to be such a drastic change, but perhaps I’m missing the bigger picture, I’m not really sure anymore.