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I agree. I need to address this with SO. She has recently as a few days ago told me that “she cares for me, wants this to work and has my back”. I just don’t know if what I’m doing now is enough to sustain the future. When together we do hit it off. Yes there are moments that we don’t but the majority of the time we do have a great time together.
I’m not sure what I want about anything at this time. I do know that I would like a bit more communication or together time. We have kids of the age they can be alone for 20 minutes to go on a walk or coffee. But she seems to think that that is too much. She hasn’t said intrusive, but that is the feeling I get from her. She has her kids 8 out 14 days and I see her 4-5 of the remaining days. Unfortunately they aren’t spaced out 3 of those days is 1 weekend
in regards to myself I have always feared being lonely. And the last few years I have had quite a bit of alone time which sometimes is lonely. I’m trying to branch out and I recently joined a running club. So thank you for your posts I appreciate it!