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Thnaks, thanks very, very much!
As far as the badmouthed colleague is concerned, I don’t know much about her personal life. I just know that she is probably happily married and she doesn’t seem like a person that is not happy with her life. In fact, by the things she said I got to know that she somehow likes to be the center of attention and if someone is not treating her right she blames him/her or a third party. Plus, most of the workers there are male and there are only few women so i think they are used to getting all the male attention and probably seeing another girl/woman as a threat to them. Anyway, I can only guess about that.
As for my sister- the thing that hurts me the most is that when I try to share something that is bothering me or seek advice or just a few kind words she treats me just the way the people I am complaining of which I think is kind of brutal. I was always guarding her and got into fights for her just so that she would not feel misunderstood or alone. I told her how are people treating me and she just listened and answered with a word or so and then kept on doing her things. Days after I shared with her she started treating me the same way as that collegue of mine regarding the fact that I might got my internship just to get a boyfriend and she is constantly mocking me about that. Anyways, it seems that she always does that and when I tell her she starts to blame me for doing the same to her(regardless the fact that I was delaying dates just because she was sick and stayed with her till she got better). It’s like a vicious circle whetever I do is simply not enough and when I got tired and find myself a company she is trying to pull me away from the company of mine and if doesn’t succeed she tells me I don’t need her because I already got myself friends. To make it worse, when my father got sick and I though he got cancer earlier this year I was devastated and my deppressive thoughts multiplied. I was searching for a cure in the web or remedies that will help him feel better and all she does was going out with her boyfriend and when I shared with her how worried I was and suggested some things about his treatment she told me I was onyl playing and faked being worried which was the icing on the cake.
I can hardly stand that anymore and I think I am losing my nerves on people that don’t care the least about me( including my sister and family).
I am working on recovering and I hope I succeed in that soon. Thanks again for being here with me and enagging with my problems when no one else does. BIG THANKS!