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Yes. That was what I meant by sacrifice.
We talked about this before in depth, right?
That sacrifice mindset was very hard to shake off even after our convo, but when he told me those things – it shook it off immediately.
He is fine. I do not have to worry about him at all.
I can tell from his sentences (he wrote all in Korean, I translated for you every single one) – he was surprised and he definitely do not want me to ever worry about him.
Just like how I do not want him to worry about me, ever.
That, to me, meant so much. That is why after that – I got comfortable and started speaking everything that I want to tell him.
I tortured myself everyday for not being able to be “there” for him, so it was really hard for me emotionally and physically
He gave me the “relief” and told me that I have to put myself first not put him first.