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Yes I remember that. I am sorry that I didn’t get back to you then, things got worse and worse and as our situation grew more and more desperate, there have been several occasions we have been without the internet. And then I completely forgot about this site and that I had an account here. It wasn’t until I was searching for somewhere to ‘unburden’ my problems as it were, that I found it again!
The laws of the universe that I was referring to (and I realise I gave a very vague description previously) are (but not limited to) The Law of Attraction, The Law of Manifestation, The Law of least Resistance and The Law of Detatchment. (There are many more, but I can only remember the ones I have been trying to understand fairly recently).
The ‘acting on every opportunity’ was a reference to using the Law of Attraction, in that you raise your vibrations to match the frequency of the energy of the thing you wish to attract and then look out for anything that matches up to this. Obviously, we didn’t just follow blindly anything that we felt might be an opportunity, for example, the opportunity arose to travel abroad, but it didn’t seem to align with our life at the time, and it wasn’t practical to do within our current financial budget so after a lot of thinking, we decided against it. One of the books that I was reading at the time stated that the universe (higher power, cosmos or God, whatever you decide to call it) will offer you the opportunity several times and that there is never a ‘missed’ opportunity because if it is meant for you, you will see the same opportunity over and over again. We didn’t see the opportunity to travel again once we had made our decision not to follow it.
I realise that typing like this, I’m not able to get my point across as eloquently as I would like to, and as I am still suffering some after effects of being gassed, my brain isn’t as sharp as it once was, so a lot of what I want to say doesn’t always come out in the right way, I apologise for that and hope that my posts aren’t too confusing or appear as ‘thrown together’ as I feel they are.
Yes, we have been struggling for a long time, and I wrote my original post shortly after we had our encounter with carbon monoxide, so I was even more confused then than I am now!