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Dear Anita,

I don’t feel that I’m denying my hurt and anger toward him. When I catch myself feeling hurt/angry, I remind myself that I played an active role in it and that I was warned.  I don’t want to stay angry all the time. It robs me of my peace.   I try to accept it for what it is and hopefully memory of him will fade.  Each morning I write down the things I’m grateful for and set my intentions for the day.  Most days I’d say I feel great 90% of the time.  What do you suggest I do?   I start to look at the situation as we were nothing more than FWB.  In this scenario I should not have any  expectations.    The last two nights I slept great and today was the first time I stopped checking my email.  I don’t check it as often as I used to but today I had no desire to. I’m not going to give this event any more power over me.