
Reply To: Feeling Deep Regret & Heartbreak

HomeForumsRelationshipsFeeling Deep Regret & HeartbreakReply To: Feeling Deep Regret & Heartbreak


Dear B:

You wrote in your introductory sentence: “here goes nothing”- but your story is something. Not nothing.

Your employment choice, “a step backwards to move forwards”, is not a bad choice. It was a risk as many choices are. You did not mess up the relationship by making this calculated choice, I don’t think.

Reads to me that she has been troubled for a long time. Her health scare and situation didn’t help her, I am sure. You tried with her, tried hard. Your “Deep Regret” doesn’t read rational to me. I didn’t detect on first reading a wrongdoing on your part that will warrant deep regret. Did I miss something?
