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Hello Jen,
I am so sorry dear to hear about your situation. No one should ever treat you in a bad way – ever. And that is a boundary that you will have to put up. You sound like a wonderful person and I wish you get all the happiness which you deserve. I however think, there might be a slim chance of getting them with the person you talk about in your post. He sounds like he has narcissistic personality disorder. I urge you to please, educate yourself about it – because the things you are talking about sound very similar to how they behave. I have a YouTube channel dedicated to healing from this particular type of abuse. Trust me, I have been where you are now. The whole of the internet is a great resource too, you can simply search for it. Good boundaries and minimal contact are the way to go. Let him earn your love now, that he has treated you badly and please do check if he really means to change himself or if it is simply something he is saying to have you back. Here is my YouTube channel which talks about healing from NPD : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu123lYBkZxaFOzDrqTdkoA/