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Dear Marki:
You could do all these things at once if you were able to split yourself into 10 separate people (or more) each carrying on one life plan. Being just one person you cannot do all these things at once.
You have to pick and choose just a few things, sometimes just one thing and do that. Maybe make a list: 1, 2, 3… a wish list of sorts, of all that you want to do, then prioritize the list. Visit the list another day and see if you have the same wish list still and the same priority. Also, as you experience this or that, over time, you can … again, re-visit the list and see if your new experiences caused you to change your liking of any particular item or the priority of it.
You mentioned that you were depressed before, for how long, how did you feel then; did you have no interests, no wish list then?